Made up our minds

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We have made up our minds, we wanna get there,

But HOW! the path is not clear yet.

We've tried all avenues, checked all websites

But Nothing, Zilch, Nada

Once again there is no avail.

What to do? Where to look?

We feel hopeless, alone and distressed

Is there anything or anyone to whom this problem can be addressed?

So many questions, IF's and BUT's

We are desperately looking for answers

But all we are getting are new mazes and puzzles.

It looks like we are lost in a dessert with no oasis in sight

and all we can feel is the harsh merciless sun shinning upon us.

We wanna give up, it is all too dull and dry

Just then a single drop of water falls from the sky.

We do not know how to perceive it,

Is it a sign from the universe? or just a silly coincidence?

At this point his optimism kicks in,

He says ,"This drop is like elixir for life,

for when all the doors are closed and things seem dark

a single door opens to tell you the path."

"Dear beloved," she says," Are you sure?

my little heart can't take another woe."

"My sweet cupcake," he says," Remember the words of great professor Dumbledore -

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times,

if one only remembers to turn on the lights."

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