Chapter 1

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Paldea Region 8:30 AM

With a jolt, the plane made a rough landing onto the cheap gravel runway, startling Ash and Pikachu awake.

"Rise and shine, my two little Snorlax's," Serena giggled.

Ash yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes before picking Pikachu up off his lap. A voice came over the speaker.

"We've officially landed. Welcome to Paldea!"

"Pika!" Pikachu squeaked excitedly.

Ash, Serena and Pikachu exited the plane and stood at the top of the stairs that lead to the ground.

"Hey Paldea Region!" Ash shouted, "Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town is finally here!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu shouted too.

Suddenly, two Pokémon Ash had never seen before flew overhead. He reached out to them and took a step forward, tripping over his own feet and falling down the stairs loudly.

"Ash!" Serena exclaimed worriedly.

She quickly ran down the stairs and crouched down by Ash and attempted to shake him awake.

"Pika..." Pikachu mumbled, remembering when they first landed in Kalos.

Then, a girl about the same age as Ash and Serena ran over to help. But before anything could be done, Ash sat up and laughed.

"I've really gotta stop doing that, huh Pikachu?" He chuckled while re-adjusting his hat.

Serena let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God..."

The girl then laughed too.

"Gave us quite the scare there!"

Ash and Serena looked at her with a confused look.

"Oops, right, sorry!" She smiled, "My names Nemona! I'll take it you two are Ash and Serena?"

"Right," Serena nodded, "Nice to meet you!"

"Likewise!" Nemona grinned.

"Wait, why do you know who we are?" Ash asked.

Nemona helped Ash and Serena up then explained.

"The Principal told me to come and get you!" She said, "It's really easy to get lost here in Paldea, so he wanted me to bring you to the Academy!"

Ash thanked her and the three of them got on their way.


Uva Academy, Paldea Region

Ash and Serena arrived at the academy rather quickly with the guidance of Nemona, and she soon led them to their homeroom.

"This is Mr. Jacques class," Nemona smiled, "He'll be our homeroom teacher until the treasure hunt rolls around next week! After that, we're free from classes for a few months to finish the project!"

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