Next Destination

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ring, ring, ring

The sound of Wednesdays phone ringing shook her awake. She groaned in annoyance as she reached for the object that was responsible for disturbing her sleep. When she looked at the screen, she saw that Enid was calling her. Great.

Wednesday wanted to hang up, she really did. But something inside her told her to answer, so she did.

She heard the sniffles coming from the other end as soon as she picked up the phone, and Wednesday was immediately on full alarm.

"What happened?" Wednesday's voice was firm and angry, it wasn't that she was worried or anything, she was just annoyed by the interruption.

"Ajax" Enid started, sniffling as she did. "He...he.."

"Ajax what?" Wednesday was ready to chop off Ajax's head for making Enid cry. No, it isn't for the reason you think. Wednesday really would just do anything to shut Enid up.

"He broke up with me!" Enid was full on sobbing now, Wednesday could hear her grab for tissues. "He told me that we argued too much and that we were better off as friends." Enid was breathing heavy and her voice was shaking.

Oh Wednesday was gonna murder Ajax the next time she saw him.

"I already told you, he broke your heart, and I nail-gun his." Although Wednesday was mad at Ajax, she also felt...happy. She didn't know why, maybe hearing the cries of sadness from the phone was making her feel that way, but she wasn't sure. Wednesday never liked Enid and Ajax dating. She thought all the kissing and affection was disgusting. But she never thought that way with anyone else besides her parents, I mean, sure she thought it was gross, but not so gross that she would have to take out all of her disgust by playing the cello late at night.

"No don't hurt Ajax! I-I agree with him....we would be better off as friends. But i'm still hurt!" Enid was starting to calm down, but she was still stuttering and her voice was still shaking a little.

Wednesday wished she was there with Enid so she could make her stop crying. So she could go back to sleep of course.

"Okay I won't hurt Ajax. But I am still gonna give him a piece of my mind the next time I see him." Wednesday Didn't know why she was so defensive over Enid. There were a lot of things Enid made her feel that she didn't understand.

After Enid hung up, Wednesday found herself deep in thought. Why was she so upset about Ajax breaking up with Enid? But why was she also happy about it? It didn't make any sense. You cant be happy and sad about something at the same time. So why was that how she felt?

Her thoughts were interrupted by her mother calling her down for breakfast. Wednesday quickly climbed down the stairs with her hands folded together in front of her. She wore her black pajama gown that had sleeves that were way to long for her, paired with black slippers that looked like she had stepped in mud with them. Her braids were messed up from tossing and turning in her bed all night thinking about the stalker.

Everyone was already seated at the table when Wednesday arrived, she took a seat next to Pugesly as Grandmama brought out the breakfast. Any normal person would be disgusted by the food they ate, but of course, the Addams aren't "normal people".

"Can you pass the salt?" Wednesday asked her father, he grabbed the salt shaker but didn't give it to her.

"What do we say?" 

"Now." Gomez handed her the salt and went back to eating. As the family ate, Wednesday started feeling......odd. She felt like somebody was staring her down, even tho nobody was looking an eye her way. She looked around, trying to find the source that was making her feel like she was being watched, but found nothing.

"Wednesday, are you feeling okay?" Morticia asked her, Wednesday flipped her head around to face her mother.

"Yes I am alright, I just remembered that I am not quite hungry. I am going to go back to my room, I have some.....homework that I need to work on." As soon as she said that, she pushed back her seat and climbed back up the stairs. Everyone watched her in confusion, Wednesday always finished her food. Something definitely was not right.

Wednesday immediately grabbed her phone when she entered her room, she had just now remembered her decision to ask Bianca about the stalker. She unlocked her phone and started texting Xavier.

Wednesday: I need Biancas number.

Wednesday waited a whole five minutes before Xavier responded.

Xavier:) :What for??

Wednesday: That is none of your business. Now are you going to give me her number or what?

Wednesday was getting frustrated, she really needed to speak with Bianca and find out who this stalker is.

Xavier:) : jeez okay. its **** **** **** ****

Wednesday: Thank you.

Wednesday began dialing Biancas number into her phone, she was tapping her foot anxiously waiting for Bianca to pick up.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello Bianca. This is Wednesday. I have something urgent I need to speak with you." Wednesday was speaking rather fast, although unnoticeable due to her blank and firm voice.

"Woah, Wednesday as in Wednesday Addams? I didn't know you had a phone. But...okay I guess. What do you need to talk about?"

Wednesday paused for a second, how was she supposed to tell Bianca that she just found out she has a stalker and needs to know if she knows anything? She hasn't even told Enid about this- wait what does Enid have to do with any of this? It's not like Enid is someone Wednesday goes up to first, so why was she thinking about that?

"I...An unknown number sent me a photo of myself in the cafe with Tyler. It was the same day i left Enid's gift in there, and I know you were the one who brought it back, so I was wondering if you knew anything that could help me find out who this person is." Wednesday was breathing heavily, she really just admitted all of that.

"Woah woah woah, what the fuck? You have a stalker?!" Bianca's voice sounded shocked and scared, like someone had just told her the most world breaking news.

"Yes, I do, now can you please tell me if you know anything? I need to know where I should go next." Wednesday was getting impatient, this whole stalker think was really getting under her skin.

"okay well- uh- I didn't get there till later that night and uh I didn't really notice anyone in the cafe....but I did notice this creepy looking guy that seemed like he was looking at a photo on his phone. I didn't get a good look at the photo but it definitely looked like the photo was in the cafe. I think he was heading towards the cemetery."

'Of course they would go to the cemetery' Wednesday thought, the cemetery was her favorite place. It only made sense that her stalker would go there.

"Okay. Thank you Bianca." Wednesday hung up the phone as she heard the door to her room creak open, she turned around quickly and hid her phone behind her back.

"Wednesday?" It was her mother.

"Is everything alright? You usually eat all of your food, is there something on your mind?" Of course her family suspected that something was wrong, Wednesday needs to work on hiding things from her family.

"Yes mother, everything is alright. I told you, there is homework that i must work on before school starts again." Wednesday was lying to her mother, she knew if she found out she would be in big trouble. The Addams family never lies to each other.

"Well alright deary, just remember that you can tell me anything." Morticia closed the door, a  Wednesday let out a sigh of relief. So the stalker visited the cemetery.

Guess Wednesday knows her next destination.

Thank you so much for 100 reads!! Im glad you all are enjoying this story as much as I am. Also I just wanted to say that I in no way was intending on making Ajax seem like a bad person. I just needed him and Enid to break up so that we can have WENCLAIR!!!

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