The Way I Love The Ocean

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Title from "To love a boy" by Maya Hawke. This is basically just a wenclair chapter before we get into the whole investigation part. At this point I'm just projecting onto Wednesday

Wednesday decided to start her investigation at the cemetery tomorrow. She needed to get her mind off of things for a bit, so she went to her typewriter and started her new volume for her book series.

The clocked ticked as Wednesday pressed each black key beneath her fingers, taking out and crumpling the piece of paper that she made a mistake on. Three hours had went by when Wednesday heard her phone ding. Wednesday sighed as she pulled out another piece of paper and crumpled it up, she was having a really hard time writing today. She picked up the phone next to her to see yet another text from Enid. God won't anybody leave her alone?

Enid: Wednesday! Bianca just told me you called her!!! I asked her what for but she wouldn't tell me D: so tell meee what did u call her for??

Oh jeez, she can't tell Enid about this, she will get all worried and keep on calling her and-

Wednesday: It is nothing important.

Enid: oh c'mon you can't even tell your best friend?? You r so mean >:(

Best friend. Because that's all they will always be. Just best friends. Wednesday tried to hide her feelings for Enid, she tries to convince herself it was just a phase, but deep down, she knew she could never love a boy the way she loves her. And that scares her. Never being able to truly love a boy. She tried liking Tyler, tried to at least feel human in some way. Wednesday knew she wasn't normal, and she was fine with that, but for some reason this little detail about herself bothered her.

Maybe it's because Wednesday never met somebody like that. Like her. She always felt welcomed In her family because they share the same interest in death as her, the same clothing style as her, the same attitude towards the world as her. But everyone in her family and everyone around her shared one little thing, love between a man and a woman. At least in every other aspect Wednesday had somebody else like her in her family, but this, nobody was like this. She was alone. And not in the good way.

Wednesday decided that she can't keep this secret about the stalker from Enid, but if she's going to tell her it needs to be in person.

Wednesday: Okay I will tell you. Meet me at the park by 5:00.

Enid: oh okay this is so sudden! I'll be there tho!

Wednesday: Be late and I will turn you into rainbow stew.

It was 5:00. Enid was standing by the park waiting for Wednesday, she didn't know that whatever she had told Bianca was so important, but she wasn't complaining. Enid had missed being able to see Wednesday in person even though they had only been on vacation for a couple of days. She was wearing a pink jacket with little hello kitty prints on it, her hair was tied up in a small ponytail and you could barely see her hair dye from how faded it had become. She was rocking back and forth on her heels with her hands in her pocket humming a tune from a twice song.

Wednesday finally arrived wearing a black coat with white buttons and strings that looked like she had been chewing on them. She had finally bothered to fix her braids and she had a little music note hair clip on.

Enids eyes lit up as soon as she spotted Wednesday. She was so excited to see her she almost squealed. But then she saw the look on her face. Wednesdays face is always blank, trying to hide her emotions, but Enid saw the slight look of sadness hidden somewhere deep. Enids smile faded quickly.

"What's wrong?" Enids face was full of worry, did she really not want to tell her what she told Bianca? Did she force her into it? Enid rushed to conclusions when Wednesday spoke up.

"Everything is alright. I just thought it would be better to speak about this matter in person. It is actually quite serious."

"What, is it about a boy?" Enid giggled and tried to brighten up the mood, but her remark pinched Wednesday in the gut, oh how she wished she could love a boy. How she so desperately wished this whole conversation was about a boy.

"No it isn't. I need you to take this seriously or else I don't know what I'd do." Enid was getting nervous again. What could possibly be that serious?

"I...I have a stalker." Wednesday muttered out, Enid froze and her eyes widened. A wave of fear and worry came crashing down onto her all at once. A stalker? Enid wanted to hold Wednesday tight but she knew she hated that, so she just stayed in silence, not saying a word.

"When Xavier gave me my new phone....I got a text with two photos of me. I called Bianca to see if she knew anything....And she said she saw a creepy guy walking to the cemetery who gave clear signs of being a stalker. So I decided to go investigate tomorrow." It felt good to get this all of her chest. Wednesday knew she couldn't keep this from Enid for too long, Enid just seems to have a way to make her do anything she asks. And Wednesday is willing to it.

"Let me go with you."

"What?" Now it was Wednesdays turn to freeze, but her eyes didn't widen, she couldn't let Enid see the surprise on her face.

"Let me investigate at the cemetery with you. It isn't safe to go by yourself when there's a stalker that might want to hurt you." Enids voice was firm with anger, something you don't usually hear from Enid. Wednesday felt a shiver run up her spine, a few days can really change a person.

"...Alright. You can come, but only because it is dangerous." Enid laughed at that, Wednesday loved Enids laugh. She felt her cheeks heat up and turned her head away so that Enid couldn't see the tint of pink on her face.

"I can't believe I thought this was about a boy! Y'know, you never really seem to have much interest in boys. Most girls your age can think only about them!" There it was again, the pinch feeling in Wednesdays gut. Won't anyone shut up about this?

"I wish I could love a boy the way I love-" Wednesday stopped in her tracks, she didn't realize she was speaking out loud till she saw Enid looking at her with an almost.....hopeful look? She looked around for something to cover up the mistake she made so that Enid wouldn't suspect anything.

".....The ocean." The ocean. Really. Nice going Wednesday.

"The ocean? I never saw you as someone to like the sea, Weds." Wednesdays breath hitches by the nickname. She tried to seem as emotionless as possible so that Enid wouldn't notice.

"Well the more you know." God, Enid really made Wednesdays mask crack when she's around her. One day she's gonna full on cry because of her. She can't let that happen.

"Hey, you know I'm always here for you right? I won't let that gross stalker hurt you! I'll scratch him up with my claws before he can lay a finger on you!" Enid showed off her fangs and wolf ears popped up on her head. Wednesday had never seen those pop up before. Maybe it only happens after you wolf out. She had the sudden urge to pet them but held herself back.

"Are you going to bite him with your fangs too?" Wednesday pointed at her fangs, Enid looked down and closed her mouth.

"Yoko says I can pass off as a vampire with them! Maybe I can threaten to suck his blood!"

Enid didn't notice, but there was a tiny smile on Wednesdays face. Wednesday never smiles. Gosh, she was turning soft for Enid.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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