She understood.

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Hey guys.

Rant time!

My mum is making me work this summer. At a law firm. From 8am - 6pm.

For a 17 year old girl such as myself, this is absolutely torture. I am losing my frigging mind.!!

Anywayy, enough about me. Enjoy the chapter.

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"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."


Isis was ignoring me. No actually more like she was down right brushing off the fact that I existed.

We hadn't had a proper conversation since the whole Katalia thing happened and quite frankly, it was stressing me out.

I didn't even know how exactly to apologise. Or what to say. We were at a really awkward point and I just didn't know how to handle it.

"I want to go stargazing tonight. No one else was available. Be at my house at 9."

I clenched my jaw. She hadn't spoken to me in how long and that was how she decided to break the ice?

She had no right to be rude. Or treat me like that.

"Was there anything else you'd like to say." I ask, through gritted teeth.

"No." She murmurs and begins to walk away.

"Isis, you can't ju-"

"I'd see you at 9, Sin." She says hotly, as she begins to walk away from me.

"You look really pretty." I shout at her.

And she did. But then again, when didn't she.

And for a quick moment I see her tense up at my comment. I know she wants to say something, but she doesn't want to seem affected by me.

So she squares her shoulders and walks forward, as if she hadn't heard me at all.


Although Isis had been rude earlier, I understood why. So maybe that was why I was standing in front of her house right now.


"Hi Sin." She starts, then adds, "I'm sorry about before. I acted like a major bitch."

"Its o-"

"No, let me finish. I need to get this out. The whole thing with Katalia stirred up soo many emotions, that I don't know how to deal with and to be honest, its quite frustrating. But I shouldn't have taken that out on you. I'm sorry."

I looked at her and she looked miserable, slightly angry at herself, but mostly frustrated. She looked exactly the way I felt.

I felt my lips twitch in a smile.

She looked how I felt. I wasn't a crazy person. I wasn't the only person that found this soo hard to deal with.

And for some reason, that made it all okay.

"Lets go gaze at them stars." I tell her with a smile.

"I'm forgiven?"

"Its forgiven and forgotten. Like it never happened." I reply with a grin.

All of a sudden Isis, jumps on me and pulls me into a hug.

And though for a second I'm confused at the foreign object wrapped around me, once I realise what's going on I can't help but hug her back. Pulling her even tighter against me.

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