Past happiness

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I go back and look at the pictures to see the smiles that weren't forced well they weren't really smiles because I never really liked to smile for pictures but I look at myself and see how happy I was not because things were perfect but because see I didn't realize that my parents were never around much and my grandma took care of me not them and that my mom was still stuck in her ways and never wants to grow I was stupid and didn't realize that my life wasn't gonna be "normal" eating family dinners heck eating a normal dinner talking about your day or even hugs the only ounce of normal that I got was with my grams she would tuck me in sing to me rub my back when I would cry because of a stupid friend or  when I couldn't sleep and she would let me sleep with her she was my normal people ask me who's is your hero I've always had the same answer not my parents like the other kids but my grams she will always be my everything my home my life and my hero and my best friend

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