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Some people said she was like a rose fragile but had a wall to get passed something to protect her from hurt but she would always compare herself to a sunflower tall and lanky shy and always picked last but maybe like a sunflower once dead she'll turn into something beautiful too sunflowers always turn into something else when they dry up she hopes she does to she hopes that people understand that it was okay to her that she knows that she couldn't always have someone there to talk to mainly because like a rose she had a wall and wouldn't let it down this poem is t about the rose or a sunflower it's about a girl who was hurting and couldn't understand why herself she just knew that if she tried to tel anybody they never understand or that it's just a phase or that they felt that way when they were a teenager and that I'll all blow over but maybe won't sheu doesn't fell like it will because sometimes she gets to into her thoughts and makes her feel like crap and she thinks about not being here anymore she cries she screams no one will hear them 

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