Chapter 6: The best day. (long chapter)

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The next morning i woke up in enids arms. I didnt remember anything from last night except the weird message i recived on my laptop. I moved my arm to rub my eyes but accidently woke up enid. She said "Oh hey sparky.. Good morning" I looked at her and said "Hey, good morning" I stood up and went to brush my teeth. Today was the first day back to school from fall break so i got into my uniform and when i opened the door i saw enid in just her bra and shorts. I went back into the bathroom and when i looked at myself in the mirror i was blushing heavily. I Couldnt stop so when enid said "Come on we are gonna be late" I left and she realized i was blushing but didnt say anything. I grabbed her hand before she was going to grab the handle to the door and she said "What are you doing" I smiled and i then teleported both of us to class. She said "Holy shit.. I didnt know you can teleport 2 people at a time" I laughed and said "I can teleport as many as i want as long as they are all touching eachother and hands on my hands. She nodded and said "Wow.. Alright". We sat next to eachother in class but before the teacher showed everyone was looking at us. Enid said "What are you guys looking at?" Bianca said "You guys should kiss!!" We both started blushing and the class started chanting "Kiss,Kiss,KISS" Me and enid looked at eachother and shrugged. I leaned in and kissed her. When our lips seperated everyone in the class started clapping and then the teacher walked in. Everyone got back to how they were and the teacher said "Okay everyone.. We are doing a test today so when y/n gives you all the tests we will started" I said "Hold up.. Me?" The teacher nodded and pointed to the stack of tests. I rolled my eyes and teleported over and teleported between each table giving them all they're tests. I teleported back in my seat and got started on mine. About half way through i raised my hand and the teacher said "What?" I looked up and said "Im going to use the restroom" As i stood up. He stood up to and said "No your not." I looked at him and said "Care to stop me?" He tried walking towars me so i gave him a little shock and he said "Ow okay jessus.. You have two minutes" I teleported to the bathroom and pulled out my phone. I texted enid "Come here please". About a minute later enid walked into the bathroom and said "y/n??" I opened the stall and said "Look what i found". She looked at my hand and gasped. She then said "Thats a vape pen" She took it and shook her head no. I then teleported both of us back to class and mister laughed. I shocked him again and then turned in my test. The bell rang and The principal announced "Today is going to be a short day so everyone return to they're dorms" I grabbed enid and teleported us back to our room. I used my telekenesis to pull the "Vape pen" Out of her pocket and i grabbed it. She said "You shouldn't use that" I Was confused and said "What is it?" She took it and said "Ill show you" She put her mouth on the end of it and when she removed it smoke came out of her mouth. I looked at the pen and said "Ooh so its like a ciggerate without the lighter requirement" She nodded and i told her "Throw it in the air" She did and i evaporated it with my lightning.

About an hour later i was sitting on my bed and was looking at a app called instagram. I saw everyone from the school had one and i looked at enids certain posts and replies

Enid: hey guys

Ajax: Sup enid

Enid: Shut the fuck up you bully

Bianca: Slayyyy

I then decided to type something '

Me: hello

Enid: Oh.. Why are you talking to me on the laptop im right across the room?

Me: because i also want to talk to bianca.. I did kinda almost kill her a couple days ago

Bianca: I still dont forgive you.

I said outloud "Fuck this" I teleported and grabbed bianca and teleported her to our room. She said "Woah what the hell am i doing here" I used my telekenesis to make her sit and i then said "Look. The other day when i zapped you me and enid were trying to figure out how to control it and you scared me by barging into the room and i didnt mean to shock you" She rolled her eyes and said "Fine whatever i forgive you i guess.. Can i go back to my room now?" I nodded and she left. Enid then looked at me with a smile and said "Damn.. You acctualy made her apologize." I smiled and enid said "Hey wanna do something with me?" I looked at her confused and she then said "Come here"

I walked over to her and she grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the bed and started kissing me. I was caught off guard so there wasnt much i could do. She then reached for my shirt and took it off leaving me in my bra and jeans. She started making out with me again and then she took off my pants. She stopped kissing me and said "You want to do this?? You dont h-" I cut her off when i grabbed her collar and started kissing her.  She started rubbing around my pussy and i started moaning. Before we could do much we heard someone knock at the door. I used my telekenesis to hold it shut and yelled "Just a sec" I got dressed again and opened the door but not much.. It was the principal. She then said "I have gotten 3 noise complaints the past couple days so please keep it down and go to sleep.. Also school is canceled tomorrow because of snow. I shut the door and i looked outside and there was atleast 5 feet of snow. I said "Damn" Enid came up and said "Soooo you wanna fini-" I said "We cant tonight.. We should wait until where nobody would leave complaints" She nodded and went to bed. I layed down and enid said Can u get the lights?" I zapped the lights and they shut off.

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