- Jack -

9 0 0

Tw Emetiphobia (fear of throwing up)

Its not graphic and is just mentioned once or twice though
Hotch Pov
I woke up to the sound of gagging echoing through the house, concerned, i crawled out of bed to follow the sound through the dark coriander, the only source of light was the soft glow of the bathroom light that crept through the ajar door. As i entered the room, i was met with my son Jack, who crouched over the toilet, shaking and crying. . .

"Hey, it's ok, buddy. . ." I said softly as i nelt down next to him, i rubbed his back as he continued to throw up.

After a while, he finally started to calm down. He stopped shaking, but tears still streamed down his face, i held my hand to his forehead and realized he was burning up badly!

"You have a fever, I'll go get you some water while you wash your face then we can go to the doctors in the morning ok?"

He didn't reply he just nodded and got up to wash his face. I came back with water and put him back to bed.


The next morning, I went to take Jack to the hospital, but my car wasn't working, but luckily, Prentis was able to drive us.

"Thank you Prentis, your a life saver" i say as i gather jacks things

"I owe you one" she laughs "and id do anything for the wee man"

She smiles at jack who's barely awake but manages a coy smile in return..

"Just call me when you need picked up, and ill bring coffee"

"Thank you" i give her an akward hug through the window.


"Hotchner?" The doctor calls, he's a tall, tan skined man. He looks young, younger than me anyways and has wild curly hair. 'Looks like someone Reid would talk to' i think to myself.

We follow him to his office, the familiar sterile smell fills my nose and the florencent lights hurt  my eyes. Fuck i hate hospitals.

The doctor instructs jack to sit and i catch a glance of his name badge

"Im Dr Ray but you can call me Miles and im gonna do a quick check up on you" he smiles, he has one of those downturned smiles and as he talks i notice the gab between his front teeth. His voice is soft and comforting, an acent strung through it. . .

"So whats up big man?" He smiles

Jack mubles something almost unintelligible so he turns to me instead, looking at me with kinds hazel eyes behind thick framed glasses that make me feel something in my chest. . .

"I- uh sorry, he's got a fever and keeps throwing up" since when do i stumble on my words?

"Oh poor guy," he coo's holding his hand to jacks forhead "oh- your boiling. Do you mind if i run a through tests?" Jack nods. Dr Ray does the ushual, checks his throat, nose, asks about headaches and so on.

"Well it just sounds like the flu to me, i can perscripe you something to help with the headaches if they get worse but for now just take it easy, ok?" He smiles

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