- Fancy Seeing You Here -

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Work, home, work again. That was Aarons life. Occasionally he'd find time for the finer things in life, like coffee, what would he do without coffee? The gross thick goop that was served in the breakroom at Quantico was far from coffee so if he had the chance the first thing Aaron would do is go to the coffee shop across from his flat.

The shop was cozy, the greens and browns of the walls and furniture clashed with the deep red leather chairs, fairy lights strung up gave the shop a whimsical feel. Aaron wasnt ths ushal crowd, that was mostly law students or misfit teens who rather romaticise life than live it but the coffee was good so he didnt mind.

"Hotchner" the barista called

"Thank you," he smiled, takeing the hot red cup into his freezeing hands. He almost made it out the door when he was stoped in his tracks, literally.

"Oh- shi- sorry!" The man stumbled as soon as he realised what happend "i um- didnt see you there!!" The mans voice was warm, familiar.

"Hotchner?" It was Dr Ray.

"Dr Ray?" Aaron smiled back

"Fancy seeing you here. Your the last person i was expecting to bump into - no pun intended" he chuckled

"Haha yeah, im not the ushal crowd"

"Needing something to get through work?"


"I know the feeling" the two stared at one anouther for a second or two before realiseing what they were doing "soo. . .hows junior g-man?"

"Jacks doing good,"

"Good, good. . .well i should let you go, dont want to be in the way of your life saveing or whatever you do" he akwardly chuckled

"Yeah. . .see you around" Aaron went to leave but turned back, he went to say something but was cut of by the eager doctor

"Hey- Aaron!"


"Can i um- get your number or something?" A faint pink spread across his tan cheeks, matching the shade that coverd the unaware agents.

"Sure" he smiled, takeing the doctors phone and putting in his number and handing it back "text me when you get a break from the life saveing or whatever you do in there, yeah?"



Another thing Aaron enjoyed was going on a run. Every sunday morning, same track, same park and yet it suprised him everytime weither its Derek Morgan enjoying a run too or the ocasional Reid playing chess but today was diffrent. There where no suprises, no impromptu hangouts just a run and a water break. . .or so he thought.

Aaron decided he would do anouther lap before returning to the never ending landslide of paperwork that awaits him. Just as he rounded the last corner there it was; a suprise.

"Hotchner!" The scruffy looking doctor yelled out

"Dr Ray" he greeted

"Oh so formal," he smirk "just call me Miles"


"Well Aaron, fancy seeing you here" he chuckled, referenceing their coffee shop meeting "this some secret agent training?"

"No, no. Just needed some fresh air" he huffed, gulping down his water.

"What is it you even do?"

"Im unit cheif of the BAU, we analyse the behaviour of criminals to catch them"

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