Chapter 1

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"Athena, i am so so so grateful to meet a goddess thank you for taking your time to-"
"Nothing your going to have to worry about her she is my daughter," she looks at me "maybe lay off the anger issues bloom," she looks down at her watch than scoffs. "Im very sorry but i have a very important meeting and Olympia isn't as close as you think it is."
"yes of course," the principle says in awe looking at my mother.
"bloom, this will be good for you" she says to me as she walks me to the door of the room "I will pick you up in the second that you dial, remember your necklace and that i will be back for parents weekend and i might bring one of your uncles."
"i love you mom," i hug her. I miss her a lot she is a terrible mother but she cares she only pushes me away so much to protect me.
"wait" she pushes me away and digs in her bag "these were mine when i was your age, they bring power so use them carefully," she puts them in my hair than hugs me. They are her old hair clips of vines. They are beautiful. She kisses my head "im off little one, make sure Wednesday doesn't get in to much trouble." She winks and she was off.
I step back into the room to the principle. "So slight problem..."

The problem was that she thought i was a boy, annoying right. Well understandable, she thought my name was peter because it says that on my script she thought i would have some god last name but gods don't have last names, they don't need them. Think of the last time someone said Zeus, exactly you think straight to my uncle. Anyways im stuck in the boys hallways which im not complaining because i have a whole room to myself with a big balcony but i share than with my neighbor who's a boy. The boys roommate is gone so its just him too. Wednesday says he's dead, everyone else says he is alive. This school is already weird. I got my uniforms hemmed the skirt of course, you will never catch me wearing something at is longer than my finger tips. after im all pack in and put my uniform on i go look for my sweet sweet cousin, Wednesday.

    "hello cousin," i say coming up behind her in a small hallway. Her hands release from fists to relaxed, im happy i have that effect on her.
    "you here," she says almost looking like she is holding back a smile, looking at her feet.
    I lift up her head to see the smile more "you know feelings are related to weakness," i always seem to mimic her tone and posture whenever im with her. I hug her and she melts into it. "I missed you Wednesday."
"equivalent bloom" i pull away "Good thing your here i neeeded back up this case was harder than i imagined" she says almost straightening herself up like that was to gushy for her. Which it was.
"great to be on the case" i smile. God i missed her.
"now lets go to my room and i will fill you in," We start walking but she stops when i start to say something.
"I see this school has changed your fashion sense" i say looking at her cat outfit
Wednesday looks at me with her big eyes angrily "i would say the same thing but you managed to shorten the skirt to where you look like you should be on the streets begging to sleep with you."
"so like a prostitute? Exactly what i was going for," Wednesday rolls her eyes and i smile. Feels like nothing has changed between us. Than colorful blonde girl approaches us.
"what are you doing down here?" She says walking to us.
"hiding, people keep randomly smiling at me out there its unsettling," she says as the girl grabs her arm and starts walking with her. I walk behind them. I don't remember Wednesday ever mentioning a friend in her letters.
"its called having your moment, you took down Bianca Barclay. Try to enjoy it. Also the girls want to know if you want to hangout tonight?" Wednesday looks at her. Again i don't remember ever mentioning the word friend. "Oh come on it wont kill you,"
"the girls were wondering if you wanted to hangout tonight OMG also rumor has it there is a new girl," that would be me "and she is like some daughter of a goddess and like a fairy." She says.
"This is Bloom Peters daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War" Wednesday says slightly smirking becase she thinks she stumped the girl because the girl was standing staring at me, embarrassed. Nevertheless I smile at the girl.
She looks at me wide eyed than a smile grows on her face than she hugs me. "Im Enid!!" She says excitedly. I slightly hug her back, i have never been in this situation before. Ive had friends before but my best friend basically sister was Wednesday and we rarely had these interactions well never. Wednesday isn't really the excited type except when she is decapitating something. She pulls away from the hug. "Im Wednesdays roommate," smiling she looks at me.
I than realize. This is the girl that Wednesday complains about in all her letters "i have heard so many good things about you." Evil yes but im part Addams it runs in my blood.
"Really?!" I nod my head, the smile grows more on her face.
"is that all?" Wednesday says unamused.
She turns to Wednesday "You never answered my question"
"Ill think about it," she says.
"You know it doesn't kill you to be social" sounds like Wednesday hasn't changed one bit.
"i think im just going to stay in tonight with bloom, that's social." She says and Enid smiles and we both watch her as she skips away to a table of crazy kids all staring at a big trophy. I assume they just won something including Wednesday. Surprised she worked on a team. She a is loner type, very independent yet she still lets me tag along.
"It's good to see you fitting in Wednesday," We both turn around to see its the principle. "Just like your mother,"
"My mother and i two entirely different people/species/everything"
"The last time Ophelia hall won the Poe cup, your mother was the Captain of the team." They intensely look at each other. I wonder what these 2 have against one another. "i was the co-Pilate. Maybe you 2 are more alike than you think." She looks down at the ground than out to her classmates.

A couple hours later and we are in Wednesday's room. After the encounter with the principle Wednesday was in a bad mood so we went our separate ways aka i let her have time to cool off, write a little, and change into different clothes. We both were wearing lounge wear. Wednesday was wearing a black and white striped top, oversized black zip-up hoodie, small black shorts, her usual long black socks, her necklace from her mom, and her hair like normal (in the 2 braids). I was wearing a low dip light auburn orange top that make my boobs look amazing, white flowy pants that were literally made for me they were high waisted loose on the bottom yet tighter on my butt (made it look huge literally jiggles when i walk with these pants on), white socks with my classic bunny slippers, my usual jewelry (my Athena necklace and pearl earrings), and my hair was fallen out curls in half up half down with the 2 golden leaf hair clips my mother just gave me. By our outfits you can tell, we are complete opposites. We might look like we are but honestly we are kinda the same. Yes im not all "i like killing things" and "black is the color of my soul" but we are both really independent and we both really relate to our uncles more than our own instant family. Anyways it was about 11:30 s0 everyone was asleep. I was supposed to be back in my room over an hour ago because we have a bed time here. I mean its not like we are going to sneak out in the middle of the night and start something bad (wink wink). Anyways i was there so late because i was reading her book because she felt as if that explains the story more than she can. The story was "the case". Anyhow i was laying in her bed catching up with Thing while Wednesday was being all dark and goth narrating her like usual.

    ".... Sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face," ok fine you caught me, i wasn't fully listening to what she was saying. But when she said this my head perked up to see Wednesday day staring at the paper she showed me earlier. She gets up, opens her closet grabbing her shoes and bag. She then puts on her shoes and opens the bag and puts Thing in it.
    "where are we going" i say sitting up slipping on my bunny slippers.
    "The place you first saw me, remember the statue that was behind me." I nod my head. "I has this symbol under the book,"
    "What symbol?" I ask
    "This one" she says handing me the paper. "Look in the top of the drawing in the right corner,"
    "Do you think there is something down their?" I ask looking back up to her from the paper.
    "Lets find out." We both stand up leaving as quiet as possible. We go down the main stairs than around the quad till we meet our destination. "Here's the symbol," she says pointing under the book of the statue.
    I look at it and it the same thing. Woah. "Hm" i let out than an idea sparks "one of us needs to climb up and look in the book,"
    "your shorter" i roll my eyes. She has always used the your shorter card ever since i moved in with her. Wednesday is 5'5 and i am 5'2. It's funny actually that im that tall, i mean im only 17 im still growing. But its funny because when my mom isn't shifted in her human height i am about the size of her pinky toe but she is like 100 feet tall. Anyways...
    "step back," i say and she does as i say. I climb up the statue so i can see whats on the book. It's too dark so i hold my hand out and bring a little fire so i can read it. My jaw drops and Wednesdays head turns to the side. "Edgar penchant for riddles was legendary and this might be his cleaverest yet"
    "It's not a single riddle rather each line-"
    "is its own separate one" we say at the same time, i smile at her great minds truly think alike. She nods her head at me than goes into her bag and Thing hands her the notepad and pen. "Im ready."
    I swallow nervously. "The opposite of the moon, sun" she writes it down "a world between ours, nether. 2 months before June, April. A self seeding flower, pansy" she is writing these down fast "one more than 1, 2. Willow. Melts in the sun, ice. Beginning and end never found, circle. Every rule has one, exception." I hop dow from the statue to Wednesday and look over her shoulder to the list. "May i?" I say with my hands out.
    "She hands me the note pad and the pen" i look at it, than circle the first letter of all the words reading snap twice. I look at her than nods my head. She snaps twice and the statue pushes back and leads to a secret passage. I look at her and move my head to the direction of the passage so she knows to go first.
    The passage leads to a stairway into a library. "Throughly disappointed, thought it was going to be some cool lair. Why would someone one want to make it a library," i whisper
    "it has writing
Why not put it in a regular library no one goes into those." Wednesday rolls her eyes and gets out thing. I on the other hand did not stay on task i was walking around the library looking at all the pictures. Wednesday and Thing found the book and put it in her bag. Next thing i know a bag is over my head and i fight back than fall to the floor going in and out of conscience.

Author talking here!! Hey guys so i understand i probs have like a ton spelling mistakes so apologies!! Anyways wohooo to a first chapter am i right?!

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