Chapter 2

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    The bag gets taken off my head and the Bianca bitch says some words and im awake again. God this would not be happening at any other school. I look down to see my whole body covered in rope so i was attached to the chair. Than i look to my left and Wednesday is sitting the chair with only rope tying her hands back. I feel someone's hands on my shoulders. "Off whosever grimy hands are on my shoulders," Bianca nods her head so the guys brings his hands off me. "Why am i all tied up?"
    "Because you fought back," the boy standing next to me said. He wasn't the ugliest kinda cute not going to lie. Long brown hair and he was tall. I like tall.
    "well i am my mothers daughter, my mom is Athena,"
    "goddess of war and wisdom," Wednesday chimes in.
    "Yet you were dumb enough to get caught
    "Yet i was smart enough to crack the code and get in" i say with a sarcastic smile. While she was talking i was able to free my hand and start burning the rope.
    Bianca rolls her eyes. "The night shades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite."
    "We have roof parties, camp outs, the ocasional skinny dip" one of the girls in the cloak says.
    "and she makes a killer virgin manito it can get pretty wild"
    "wow do you guys even have a bed time?" Wednesday says i cant help but let out a laugh. "Last i heard the night shades had been disbanded"
    "yeah the group kinda lost its charger after some norm kid died." The cute boy to my left says.
    "question is what are we going to do with them, only members are allowed in this library." As she says this i push my shoulders forward and all the robes fall off my body so i stand up but the boy comes up behind me and holds my arms to stop me from going. Like just holding them would stop me from leaving god they are to cute but i stayed because i wanted to know what pretty princess Bianca had to say. "How did you do-" Bianca try's to let out.
    "i say we invite them to pledge," the cute boy says and the crowd of people lets out a disapproving chatter. "She is a legacy and bloom is daughter of Athena."
    "No way in hell. If we talk about not having waves Bloom and Wednesday are a Tsunami"
    "you don't even know me."
    "I dont need to"
    "Im not finished miss Bianca." I say with a pity voice "were not interested"
    "your seriously turning us down?" A random girl says
    "can you believe it?" Wednesday says.
    "free her" she says
    Wednesday pulls her arms forward throwing the small rope. "I freed myself 5 min ago, come on bloom"
    "nope im taking her back to her room,"
    "No-" Wednesday try's to let out but i stop her.
    "its fine he lives next door to me." She nods and walks up the stairs.

"You can let go of my arm you know its not like its doing anything" i say looking down at his arm as we walk through the quad to the stairs.
"It's keeping you to stay with me" he says not even looking at me.
"Like im going to run away like a dog," i scoff moving my arm towards myself and he lets go. "You still pissy that i rejected your offer to join your little cult?"
"It's not a cult"
"I went off on a limb for you"
"I didn't ask you to" i say stopping and looking at him. "I don't even know you. i don't understand why you feel you have to do something like this like it will make me become your friend. I don't work like that. I grew up with Wednesday." I say almost aggressively but i try and keep my tone calm. The rest of the walk is silent till we make it to my door. "Okay goodnight" i say walking in than shutting it on his face.

It's the next morning im wear the same outfit but my skirt was a little to short. I could tell it was after walking down the boy hallway this morning. Anyways i showed up to the quad late than accidentally bump into this ginger.
"Oh im so sorry. Oh you must be bloom I'm Mrs. Thronhill." A ginger says to me very smiley almost as smiley as Wednesdays roommate.
"Nice to meet you too,"
"Here is your outreach service" she drops it that we both pick it up.
"Thank you"
"Your welcome us gingers got to stick together!" she hands me a blue letter. I see Wednesday so i walk over to her and she is standing with your roommate. Her roommate was talking about some pilgrim world once i arrived.
"Hi bloom!! What did you get?" Enid asks me very pepily.
"The weather vain,"
"That would be the coffee shop" i roll my eyes than walk to the bus, Wednesday following. I knew she was going to do something bad today i just didn't knob what.

I walk into the store, order, and sit down at a table. Than a very very very very very cute boy approaches my table from the back. "Hey, you skipping?"
"Skipping what?" I say playing dumb. Im hoping to make this conversation long.
"its outreach day, is it not?"
"it is but im new so im taking it as a day to explore the town,"
"sounds fun, im Tyler" he says looking down to me with the cutest smile. God i need to snap out of it but i am a straight girl who is very boy driven but i can live without them but i love love to play with them. If you know i mean.
"Im bloom," i put out my hand and he shakes it. Than the door rings, i look to see walked in. My favorite little man, Xavier. He looks at me than Tyler. We were still holing hands. Tylers hands slips from mine than goes to the back of his neck.
He looks at me with a glare than speaks in a high pitch girly voice, "omg! I get to work with THE daughter of Athena," Tyler turns his face to me with big eyes almost in awe. Everyone is when they find out Greek gods are real.
I can feel my blood boil. I look down embarrassed than next thing i know the coffee im holding over boils and explodes all over the table. "Im out," i get up. "Nice meeting you Tyler," i say walking out making sure to completely bulldoze Xavier on the way out the door.

"Tyler!" The sheriff yells holding on to my collar. If your wondering how i got into this situation sit tight. Basically after i left the shop i was very very very mad. You know as you would be when a scrony asshole tells a strong hottie that your mother is Athena. Nothing to be ashamed of but not something i like people knowing. Just like how i don't like people knowing im a fairy especially a fire fairy. Anyways back to the story. I was mad so i went to blow off steam but ended up blowing up a car! I know im not usual ever this mad over stupid boy but i guess it was anger i built up.
Tyler come running from the back, "hey whats up-" than he sees me so i lets out an innocent smile.
"This one is working for you today" the sheriff says walking out. Leaving awkward silence between us.
"Follow me to the back we will make the pastry's," i nod following him to the back again bulldozing Xavier on my way to the back. "What size shirt do you wear?" He asks when we are in the back.
    "Extra small"
    "Here," he throws me a ugly brown shirt.
    "You were required to bring jeans if you didn't you can just wear your skirt," he says putting on clear gloves. Im about to let out a word but he beats me to it. "Bathrooms are down the hall to the left,"
    I walk down the hallway to the left to the bathroom and put on my outfit. I brought the jeans because well i had to even if i was skipping or not i had to have a plausible alibi. I put on my jeans and top an apron and put my hair back than make my way back to where i left him. I set down my bag than look at him.
    "Here," he passes me gloves. Than he explains to me how to roll a cinnamon bun. I start helping him roll them in the silence between us.
    "So what are your powers?"
    "I don't have any and i don't know any that do." I say playing dumb. Come on i don't know if norms know.
    "Hm, hard one to crack eh?" He says smiling like what he said was funny but it didn't get a crack out of me. "Okay time to address the elephant in the room."
    "There is an elephant? Must be a small one" i say looking to my left than right. But sadly when i look to my right i meet eyes with him. Oh god his eyes. Like pick me up and fuck me right here. Not actually im kidding #virgforlife.
    "You have pretty eyes" he says looking into my eyes.
    "That was the elephant in the room?" I say looking away from him back at the work. But i let put a small smile. Which surprises me because im usually good at hiding smiles i grew up with the Addams smiling was gross to them. But this one i couldn't hide.
    "No elephant just an observation,"
    "Not what i was expecting you to say,"
    "What were you expecting me to say," he says flirtly.
"I thought you were going to ask what if it was true." I say making sure to not look at him.
"I was but i can tell it you didn't want to talk about it so i didn't," he says closing the box and taking off his gloves.
I cant help but smile. No one ever did that before everyone pushes and prys at my mom to know more and what its like to be her daughter. "You just gained my trust what do you want to know," i say looking into his pretty eyes as he smiles at me.

Okay chapter 2 is done!! Let me know if i should like make the chapters shorter? Also there is going to be a tad smut in this but i will give warmings!! The smut wont be anything uncomfortable btw!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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