Part One: The Beginning

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(note that characters might be ooc, this is the first sk8 fic i've written)

"We should do a Secret Santa!"

The three adults and two other teens stared at a confident, smiling Reki. The redhead had called everyone to Joe's restaurant, claiming that there was an emergency- so everyone was gathered around him, waiting in anticipation for the news that was somehow this important that Reki wanted to tell the others now.

But a Secret Santa? That's why he called them to Sia La Luce?

"A.. Secret what?" Shadow repeated.

"You don't know what a secret santa is??" Miya exclaimed, leaning towards Shadow.

Shadow raised his eyebrows in confusion. "No???"

"Ok, ok, ok." Reki called, having everyone settle down. "So, since its the holiday season, I thought that we should do something fun to celebrate it together! And what better way to hand out presents than doing a secret santa?"

Langa nodded. "I think that's a good idea," He piped up, "I'm up for it. It's been a while since I've done one, anyway."

Joe grinned. "Y'know, I'm up for it, too," He said.

Shadow, still confused, raised his hand. "But what the fuck even is a secret santa?"

Miya huffed. "Are you that much of a peepaw?" He teased, smirking at the himbo ginger.

"I'm in my TWENTIES!!" Shadow hissed, glaring back at the small teenager.

"Calm down, you two," Cherry said, pushing up his glasses. "Let Reki explain the rules."

Reki nodded, quickly thanking Cherry before he dived into his explanation on what Secret Santa was.

"Okay, so Secret Santa is an event where a group of friends and/or family anonymously give each other presents! Everyone writes a small wish list with their name on it, then we'll draw the notes one by one. Whoever's note you get, you give a present to, and the wish list is so that you can get an idea of what to give them! And when we finally exchange presents, everyone has to guess who their secret santa was."

Shadow hummed, seeming to understand what Reki explained. "So basically we draw names and give gifts to the person we got," he summarized. Reki nodded in confirmation.

"So, is everyone up for a festive holiday event?" Joe asked, looking around at the other five. Everyone nodded in agreement, and Reki grinned.

"Great!" The redhead cheered, taking out a notepad and multiple pens from the bag he had put down on the counter. "Everyone take a paper and pen, and write down a wish list!" He instructed, "Don't forget to write down your name too!!"

All the skaters obeyed, ripping a piece of paper from the notepad and taking a pen along with it. As Reki took his share of the notepad, he grinned happily to himself. This was the first time he was doing a secret santa, and the fact that he would be hosting it boosted his pride even more.

But there was no time to think about that, no no no! Reki had to focus on writing down his wish list!

Reki looked around, observing the others as they scribbled down on their papers and occasionally paused to think. To be honest, Reki didn't really know what he wanted for Christmas. Well, maybe some new art supplies would be nice. He did really enjoy drawing, but it was mostly skateboard designs. He wanted to try something new with art, like drawing people for a change.

Yeah, he'll put that down in case..

But what else?

Oh, wait, he needed a new lamp.


-art supplies (pencils, sketchbook, etc)
- a desk lamp (don't ask)
-possibly a wood branding iron (It would be cool to put my name on stuff i make for others)

                                     Reki Kyan!!


Reki looked over his list and smiled. That would suffice, he thought. That's good enough.

Now that he looked at it more, everything seemed all over the place. It was all really random, he's asking for art supplies and stickers, thats cool, but suddenly he wants a fucking desk lamp.

Folding his paper in half three times, he looked around to see that everyone was done and looking over their notes too. "Is everyone done?" He asked.

"Yup," Langa chirped, sliding his folded paper towards Reki. The rest did the same, and Reki collected them all.

"Hey Joe, could we use one of your bowls to put the papers in?" Reki asked, looking over at the buff green haired kind of a himbo is Joe a himbo?

Joe nodded, walking into the kitchen. "Sure thing, just a sec!" He called. A few seconds later, he walked back to the counter and placed a bowl in front of the teen. "Here ya go,"

With that, Reki dropped the pieces of paper into the bowl and shook it a bit, shuffling the papers inside. "Alrighty," He began, "Now, everyone picks up a paper! Who wants to go first?"

Miya stretched his arm out towards to bowl, taking it and bringing it closer to him. "I'll start off," He claimed, reaching a hand into the bowl and picking up a paper.

Miya opened it and wrote what was written, nodding slightly to himself. "Alright, next," He called, sliding the bowl towards Joe, who was sitting beside him.

Joe nodded, picking up a piece of paper from the bowl and opening it. His face looked very.. passive aggressive, Reki would describe it as. If he had to guess, he probably got Cherry.

Speaking of Cherry, he was up next, as he took the bowl and chose his own piece of paper to take. He sighed in relief, seemingly glad about something. Probably because it wasn't Joe, Reki assumed.

Then came Langa. He picked up a paper and scanned its contents, his lips curling into a satisfied smile. Oh, that was so cute, Reki thought, a bright smile appearing on his own face.

Next up, Shadow. He took the bowl and one of the two remaining papers inside it, and Reki noticed yet another passive aggressive smile. He wondered who he got. Maybe it was Reki or Miya? Shadow wasn't the easiest person to read.

And lastly came the redhead himself. Reki reached into the bowl and pulled out the last piece of paper and unfolded it, and a grin appeared. He had gotten Joe.

"Everyone has a paper now, correct?" Cherry asked, satisfied at the nods everyone replied with. "Alright. Remember to not tell anyone who you got."

"So, does this concludes this conclude our 'emergency' meeting?" Shadow asked. "I have to get back to work,"

"Pretty much, yeah," Reki replied, "How about we'll meet back here on, maybe the 23rd? And we'll exchange gifts then! Is that good?"

The mutters of agreement and collective nodding were enough for Reki. "Okay! See you all next time then!" He exclaimed, hopping out of his seat snd grabbing his bag. The rest began to do the same, packing up their items. Joe had already left, taking back the bowl to return it to where it came from.

Reki grinned, pocketing his secret santa note. Oh boy, were they all in for a ride.


Hi there, Secret Santa.

• A jacket
w̶o̶o̶d̶e̶n̶ s̶p̶o̶o̶n̶ t̶o̶ w̶h̶a̶c̶k̶ K̶a̶o̶r̶u̶s̶ a̶s̶s̶
• Cooking utensils would be nice



Secret Sk8ta (Sk8 The Infinity)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora