Part Three: The Handing Out

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RISE N GRIND FOLKS ITS CHRISTMAS EVE (i was supposed to post this chapter on the 23rd, like when I said they would meet up but i procrastinated so here we are haha)







The six skaters all stared eachother down, their gazes piercing into one anothers. Langa had his hands on his lap, as did Shadow. Both Miya and Reki had their chins resting on top of their folded hands. Joe had his arms crossed, and Cherry had his hands folded neatly on the table.

In the middle of said circular table, lied a large garbage bag. Inside said garbage bag, lied six different gift bags for six different people.

It was the final stretch, the end, the moment of truth, and the same questions ran throughout everyones minds: Who got who? What did everyone get? Who was everyones secret santa? Would Adam ruin this party, too?

Finally, Reki, the host, cleared his throat, and began to speak.

"Alright. Today we gather here to host our Secret Santa- or, as I have dubbed it in my mind- our Secret Skate-a! Skata..? Sk8ta! Our Secret Sk8ta!" He announced, a wide smile quickly replacing his serious stare.

Immediately, the room was rid of its careful atmosphere, and replaced with one of anticipation and excitement. Miya shot his hands up. "Dibs first!" He called out, grinning as he pulled the bag towards him.

Miya dug through the bag, trying to find his gift. "There we go," He muttered, pulling out a small bag with the words 'MIYA' clumsily written across a piece of paper taped to the front.

From the corner of his eye, Reki noticed a small smirk on Shadows face. Oh, so he did get Miya, then, Reki thought, as Miya took out the tissue paper, he also took out a folded grey shirt and something that was also wrapped carefully in more tissue paper.

"What the hell?" Miya blurted out, as he unfolded the shirt and held it in front of him. He turned the shirt around and let the rest of the skaters see.

In the middle of the shirt, were the words 'I PAUSED MY GAME TO BE HERE' with a video game console underneath, however, something fell out of the shirt when Miya folded it: and what the fuck were those dick shaped gummies.

Reki burst out laughing.

"Who the fuck got me this?!" Miya exclaimed over Reki's wheezing, hastily folding the shirt back up and shoving it in the bag along with the horrific gummies that Shadow somehow got his hands on. "Y'know what? Nope, I'll open the other thing first,"

The green eyed boy picked up the rectangular item wrapped in tissue paper, and felt around it before gently opening it up, to reveal a picture frame, in which the picture was a blurry close up of Miya's forehead.


At this rate, if Reki kept on laughing, he would have a six pack in no time.

And he did keep on laughing, mind you. He was practically shaking as he tried to muffle his laughs by burying his face in the table, his hands on his head.

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