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Dear Diary,

6 years ago, on this day could you guess what I was doing? Well let's start a few days back.

It's been 3 days since he is only fighting with me no even listening a word and only asking one question 'yes' or 'no'. I thougt eventually he'll forget this thing and again start being friend with me but no, this time he's not ready to give he want the answer what should I do????

Yes I freaked out totally out of that 3 days one day I cried, I listened to emotional songs again and again and cried thinking that if I don't answer he'll go away, but I can't give the answer because I was not sure I was ready for all this. A girl happy with her family and friends, who was busy enjoying the school time, playing with her sister, ya talking to him as he was till then her best friend! She was not sure if she was ready to take her life to a new phase.

Day two, yes I again cried and went to temple, sat their with my friend praying to god to show her sone way to handle this boy, who again was not have a casual conversation with her instead was far more angry and content about him wanting the answer right there.

Day three, It was annual practical exams I studied still freaking out about him, I was not even trying to call him by that time because she would listen the same thing. But this time, unexpectedly, someone called! Yes I was him! Who brought a wide smile on her face but at the same time it faded of thinking he would again start that thing. I picked up the call he was in a good mood which made me forget everything and I continued talking to him like always sharing everything and listening everything he said. Reality had hit me after 1 hour of talking to him but I didn't ask him I needed him to talk to me. I was addicted to him, not talking seemed like curse so I continued.

Maybe he also wanted the same. But, as soon as we completed all our talks, he again popped with the same boring question "so what did you decide?"
And I was like "Nooooooooo not again!"

As always I replied "I don't know" he again got disappointed, taunted me that I don't care about him, I only want a time pass with him. Like what? We both agreed on this, that we are best friends why people have to ask more? That too so soon? I'm a little school going kid! Okay I was in 11th, about to be promoted to 12th in a month. But still!!!!!

Now came this day, he didn't talk to me much in school. I was again freaked out. I can't see our friendship going like this. I thought of finally taking a decision.

After the school, in the evening, I sat down peacefully thinking when he called. Again trailed the same track I said him to hang up, I'm not here to answer things here. Hey! Let me mention, he was the one always getting scolded by me! So don't misunderstand anything. Well yeah this was one of the reason he fell for me. Why am I blushing now.. so let me continue.

I was in a silent room, thinking about my upcoming life. He said if you'll say yes then I'll stay and if no he'll leave for studies somewhere else.

Okay so do you want him to go? "No"

Can you be fine without talking to him? "No, not even one day"

What do you like about him? "Everything! The way he talks, the jokes he cracks, the stories he tell, the manners he have, the respect he shows, the care he takes, even the sweet flirting talks he started few weeks ago, the way he's not afraid of anyone, the way he gets angry for me to convince him, the way he treats me, the bond we share, the way he scolds me if I get hurt, the cute gestures he shows"

Stop stop! My inner voice exclaimed You are in Love with Him! It declared.


Idiot! Still thinking? This time my inner voice scolded me.

"Okay so, ya I love him!" Finally I declared to myself! Now it was now needed to declare to him!

First of all I said this hundreds of times as practice"yes, yes, yes..."

My cold shivering hands reached the mobile phone, slowly I dialled his number, with a heart rate crossing all limits, I whispered "Hello"

He, with his radio track on the same thing asked "yes or no".

I playfully asked him "what for?" Giving a grin on the other side of the phone.

"You know it"

"Say it" I said expecting a good proposal.

"143 okay? Now say"

"NO" I said thinking why this idiot is not saying I love you at least.

"Okay then goodbye" he said

I pouted on the other side sadly.

"Oh no listen listen"

"What?" He waited again not expecting the real answer from me.

"Yes" I said making him shocked.

Well now I'm feeling tired I gotta go, more of the stories afterwards! But let me tell you he was the happiest I had ever seen him! And I was blushing like anything. Stupid me! Ik! I couldn't talk much with him today I'm sad so told you! Anyways we went to temple, thanked god for awesome 6yrs together. Happy anniversary to us.....

Goodbye Diary!

Dear Diary Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ