Upcoming Q&A

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Hola my Hunnies! Hope you are having a better and brighter day than me. I have a gloomy day sadly. But ignore that! I don't want to make your day sad because of me. 

So, I have been thinking about doing a Q&A in the upcoming future, and I figured you all could ask questions and depending on which questions I choose to respond, you can get to know me! But there will be two quick rules.

Rule #1: I will NOT answer to inappropriate questions. If you post that question, I will block and delete that comment.

Rule #2: I won't be giving too much information about myself (age, location, birthdate, etc.) I don't want to risk endangering myself and I'm doing it to protect my identity so that others won't use it against me. But I can share my interests and other things, depending on what the questions are.

So, other than those, you can ask me anything, from about myself, to my stories! I'm going to put a sentence down here so that you can comment your questions. 

Q&A Comment Section

I'm thinking of doing the Q&A during December or the end of December. You can comment your recommendation with the question you ask. Once I made the decision, I'll tell you when all Q&A questions are over. 

Thanks for reading the announcements! I will see you all in the next chapter!

Adios, my Hunnies! 🍯🐰

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