1 ||Coming out to father||

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Tori POV

' I think I'm ... Trans ' 

I knew my father was extremely homophobic  ,  racist  ,  sexist and just generally horrible to any one . Man or Woman  ,  Gay or Straight  ,  Black or White  ,  Young or Old .He hates everyone that's why I don't have a mother  .  She hated him so much  .

So when I told him I was trans he asked me ' Oh okay  ,  well do you have a new name or pronouns? ' I knew something was up but I answered him like I would to any person  .  I wish I hadn't answered him  .

' Uh well  ,  Yeah um could you maybe call me Thomas or like Tommy maybe an- '

He didn't care that I was trans he just wanted an excuse to beat me up which is exactly what he did but instead of me lying on the floor in a pool of my own blood I was in a white room  .

' Hello  ,  Tori ? Can I ask you a few questions ? '

'  Uh yeah  ,  sure '

' Okay  ,  Who did this too you '

' My father '

' And  ,  Do you know why he did this to you '

' Because I told him I'm trans '

'Oh sorry  ,  So '

' I'm female to male '

' Okay uh so Tori isn't '

' I would rather Thomas but '

' Okay uh  ,  How old are you '

' 14 '

'Do you have any other family members that you could stay with  ,  as your father is going to jail for child abuse '

' No  ,  I don't think so '

'Alright  ,  So we are gonna have to send you to an orphanage '

' And  ,  that's it  .  Thank you for your time '

An orphanage ?  doesn't sound good to be honest I would rather be alone for the rest of my life

' Hello Tori '

I cringed at that name 

'How are you feeling '

' Good '

' Okay your father has given you quite a lot of injuries  ,  none that major that we will need to keep you in here so as the nurse previously said we will call up the closets orphanage and see if they have any space for you 'He rambled on 

5 minutes later the same person came back in 

' So they have space for you  ,  Would you like to go some time today ? '

' Yeah '

Why?  // Trans Tommy \\Where stories live. Discover now