Chapter 1

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(Kion's pov)

The guard and I had just finished patrol around the pride lands and were all headed our separate ways." See you guys bright and early tomorrow."I said.The others nodded and went to their homes as I headed to pride rock. As I was walking I couldn't help but think about him.
His dark brown fur,his green eyes and that smirk.'Ahg what is happening to me..why can't I stop thinking about you..what is this feeling?' He thought to himself as he walked home.

As he walked into the den he was called by his sister."Hay Kion how was patrol today?"she asked. "Fine nothing really happened mostly just helped some of the pride landers here and there, what about you?" She was quiet for a moment then answered"Just did some shadowing mom for future queen training is all." "Ok I'm going to bed early today tell mom and dad I said night." I said that to her as I walked deeper into the den and found a space to sleep.

(Kovu's pov)

"Keep focus Kovu when battling your opponent...never lose FOCUS!" I heard my mother yell as I fought with my brother Nuka who was an alpha like me. He clawed me and I lost my balance and I fell as he came closer I used my hinde paws to kick his midsection and he reald back and I clawed him."STOP!"my mother yelled. She walked towards my brother and I , she faced me "You cub need to keep focus in a battle I will not accept the same mistake next time."she said. "Yes mother " I bowed my head as she walks away with my brother in tow.

'Ahg I need to focus but...I can't do that with him in my mind. Why can't I stop thinking about you...I want to see you ...' I thought to myself. Its been a week since the encounter with Kion and his lion guard and ever since I saw him I can't forget him. His golden fur, turf of red mane and his red eyes. 'He ...he was so mesmerizing'.I keep thinking as I walk into the termite mound like den and find a spot and fall asleep.

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