1. Sticks and Stones

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One year later

"I'm the mother fucking boss! I run the empire now." Jae Stone

"We are family! Everyone here is my blood and I would do anything for you!"

Jae looked around the boardroom table at Sextacy to see her sisters and some of her cousins. On one side, her right hand, her sister Kendra, handled all the money dealings. To her left, her cousin Nasiree, head of all the medical needs as the new OBGYN that took over for her father.

She would not have been able to do all that she accomplished in the last year without those two. Also, the rest of her family.

"Here Ms. Bossy goes with another motivational speech!" Erica was turnt already. She came in high, smelling like the stankiest of the stank weed. She did not dance anymore, she only managed the female dancers.

"You need one to get your act right," she snapped at her baby sister.

"Why exactly are me and bro here, cuz?" That from Zander, who for the last few years served as security at Stone's Bar in North St. Louis, but she closed that down as soon as she was put in charge. It never made much money and she was always about the bottom line.

"I want family in charge of everything. So you are now the head of security here at Sextacy."

Zander was more than that but she was not going to be truthful with him. Truth was he was dumb as rocks but he was good eye candy. The ladies loved his pretty boy looks and if he had skills she would have put him on stage. He did not have the dancing gene in his body.

Now his brother, Cordell was a different breed. While he had the looks as well, he was super smart, in fact deadly so. He always had little get-rich schemes, making a lot out of nothing. Never used his brains for good like her uncle ToTo, but he was a true hustler.

Most thought the two brothers were twins but they were two years apart and probably not even the same father. In fact, all six of her aunt's kids more than likely had different fathers. Zander and Cordell were the only boys. The Stones were thick with women.

"Cordell, you are the new head bartender, no one mixes a drink like you do."

"Cuz, I'm pretty sure you can put my talents to better use," Cordell stated. "Put me on stage."

That got a laugh from her, her sisters, and his sisters.

"Be for fucking real!" Nas stated. "What the hell can you do to entice a woman?"

"Fuck!" Cordell stated with a grin and fist-bumped his brother.

She rolled her eyes at that. "Anyway, let's make this money fam."

"What about us?" Zahara said referencing her and the two other sisters, Michelle and Nichelle "You brought us in here, we want in."

If she brought all the Stone family into Sextacy business, they would not need to hire anyone else. Her family was that big. Some family she never even met. A lot of them in jail or dead. And most of them did not even know their fathers.

They would need a Twenty-Three and Me kit to figure it all out. Different races as well. Her grandmother, Momma Stone, was white as white. No other way to describe her, but with blonde hair and blue eyes, she was not mistaken for anything other than what she was. A white woman that liked Black dick.

Scratch that, her G-Ma loved dick. Any kind of dick attached to a man apparently. For some of her aunties, she did not even know what race they were because they were not obviously Black, white, Asian, or whatever. She could only assume her father was half-Black since he had no idea who his father was.

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