Journal 1: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 | 04:07

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This was found inside of the original "thoughts-and-reflections-type" journal, which I titled Insights and Reflections. This was during a very rough time in my life, just after a nasty breakup one month prior.

     The pen in my hand can do anything, once I link it to my mind. It can write countless stories and adventures. It can create a lyrical masterpiece. It can create characters that many enjoy to learn about. It can fill pages with stories of my life and experience. Allow me to spill my brain on the paper in a series of clean, neat markings.

     The pen in my hand can destroy me, if my mind wants it to. It can write songs about my pain. Let me bash myself, lyrically. Allow me to ruin the thoughts I have about the one that I loved by turning my pain into hatred. It can write countless entries about everything wrong with me. My flaws, my regrets, my actions and errors. How I cared too much about the small issues and didn't pay enough attention to the real problems.

     Lord knows that the pen is mightier than the sword. It's my weapon of choice. However, weapons have many dangers, and one must be careful when wielding one. The moment that I let the dark side of my mind take over is the moment that I reverse all of my hard-earned progress. And thus is the moment that I push her further away, if not lose her.

     Lord knows that the mind is more powerful than the matter. No matter what happens, the way that I process it in my head makes every difference. I face a road ahead where the only way to traverse it is to change myself during the journey. Otherwise, I will not earn what I truly want. And so I must stay steady in my resolve, and in my mind.

     Lord knows that the Alec today is better than the Alec of yesterday. And I know that I can do this. I just have to believe.

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