Happily Ever After

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"See? I told you we could make it someday." Ada said as she stood beside Scarlet, the two of them admiring their newest invention behind a glass case.

It was a beautiful weapon, the sides
made up entirely of chromium steel, decorated with a carving of a flower of pure gold. A gorgeous pair of battle boots decorated with rubies. "I couldn't think of anyone better to work with." She continued, wrapping her arm around Scarlet's shoulder.

Pushing her veil out of her face, Scarlet turned to look at Ada, smiling softly as she fixed up the epaulets on her gold suit. "Of course." She giggled, gazing adoringly into Ada's cybernetic eyes. "I never thought I'd find anyone who would appreciate what I do, let alone someone as amazing as you." She admitted.

Ada returned her smile shyly, feeling her face grow warmer as she looked at Scarlet in her pearl white gown; her silver tiara and veil rested perfectly on her crimson curls. She seemed to shine in every direction, her beauty rivaling that of the moon itself. The princess couldn't help but blush as she felt her systems go haywire once more, her heart racing a million miles per hour.

Seeing her bride look so flustered made Scarlet laugh gently, a sound that made the butterflies in Ada's stomach swarm even more violently. The princess leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Scarlet's cheek before pulling away, feeling her blush deepen. "Ready?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Scarlet nodded, taking Ada's hand in hers. "Always." She replied, squeezing it lightly as they strode towards the balcony where everyone awaited, eager to catch a glimpse of the royal couple.

The entire kingdom cheered wildly as the princesses made their entrance, waving neon green and purple banners enthusiastically and throwing flowers into the air. Cheddar, Valkyrie, and the other bots threw flower petals and rice over the pair, beeping and whistling joyfully as they floated about.

"Attention!" The king ordered his line of guards, each one of them holding a golden rocket lance in their hands. The duke, along with Boomer and Living Knightmare, held up his lance while the animals stood on a signal, ready to give the cue.

Scarlet would have never imagined her whole life to come together in such a way, yet here she was, standing next to her true love on the royal balcony, gazing at the sea of people applauding their marriage, her most precious invention now being the official weapon of the royal guards. It was strange really, how things had worked out for her, but now she had something to forever be grateful for.

She turned to her wonderful bride, grinning from ear to ear as her hands found Ada's and squeezed them tightly.  Everything else seemed to melt away as they shared a tender smile, their hearts filled with love for each other. There was nothing they wouldn't do for each other. Nothing at all.

"My queen," Ada whispered, caressing her sweetheart's cheek.

"My Ada." Scarlet sighed blissfully, leaning in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

The crowd's cheers grew louder, the happy couple facing them and waving to their loyal subjects. Cheddar and the bots in a group hug to celebrate their dear girl. Boomer and Knightmare jumped on the signal, the king and guards' rocket lances launching fireworks and confetti throughout the sky, raining down on everyone below with delight.

And so, Scarlet and Ada were married, and anyone can tell you they were counted to be the fairest and kindest rulers the kingdom had known. And Scarlet continued to see the world, not as it is,  but as it could be.

If only you believe in hard work and determination and occasionally, just a little bit of magic.

Special thanks to @Formedstone8599 for being my co-writer for the fight scenes and @hayashiyawara for the beautiful ending picture. I love you both so much!

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