Part 1: A newcomer of society.

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Your name is Th!s_isM3l|i. Oh, Wrong name.

(cough cough)

Anyways, your name is Melli. You're 25 years old and well...

You used to do inventions in your spare time, but it all turned down somehow, somewhen.

It was about 4 years ago when it was March 18th. You were in your dorm fixing some scrap into something other than itself.

You heard someone knocking, the knocking sounded familiar.

knock, knock, knock, knock

Like a beat. And then you said "Come in." The girl walked through the door. She had Maroon Cream glasses, (look it up) had a Vermillion striped shirt with string loops on the end of her shirt where the collar is, (kinda looks like a school shirt) with a black skirt, and dark brown hair with braids.

"Rin, I told you; you don't have to knock. We're good roommates!" you chuckled.

"I know but it just feels unsanitary or any other definition or something I feel like I need to do" she put her head down. "Heh, it's okay. Anyways, what's the probbles?"

"Well, the 'probbles' is that Kendra spilled some of my chocolate milk on my art." she sat down in the second chair slumped.

Ugh, Kendra. You thought to yourself. Kendra has been a pain in your buttocks. (sorry for using buttocks💀) Kendra had been rude to you since you first got to college. She's been treating you like a newcomer when you tried to make yourself comfortable when you just attended here. And not in a nice way. Otherwise, I'll just explain a few details about Kendra.

1. She has violet medium length hair.

2. She obviously has her own lunch table marked after her. ... Literally.

3. She 'accidentally' cut one of her classmates when she got her nails done.

Finally, and lastly. 4. She always has 350k in her purse just to flex.

"Mm. Was it a lot?" you said while getting products for her.

"Not that much, but it covered half of my art." she said looking back at the sketchbook.

When you got the products, you looked back at her sketchbook with amazement and anger.

"Wow Rin! This is honestly beautiful. I can't believe Kendra could be so careless. Well, actually, yeah, I can believe." you said not surprised but a little mad.

"Thanks." she shyly chuckled. "What are you going though? I don't even know a person who could fix this."

"Well, it's because you haven't met one." you said. "But now! I shall present you. The most predictable, the most beautiful product in this dorm-room kind. It is the helpful object to the ones in need for their notorious artistical books of sketch. It is called... The Peraser!" you showed her.

  The Peraser!" you showed her

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