Part 2: Was I really a newcomer?

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(AH YES HELLO PEOPLE................., ok that was horrible.)


("Oh manny, thy sleeping on your wattpad book? I shall never read this again because you havent posted in days... You must be a crusty old lump." YES, I KNOW. 🥶😭)

(For the past days I've been sleeping on this book because how much words I did. And yes ofc, more of the wattpad writers did more than 1152 words. :/)

(BUT NOW I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU, although I'll probably won't go over 4k words... ANYWHIZZLE, at the end of this chapter I will show you some of my gifts. (SPOILER ALERT: art :))

(Anyways, again, let's get this BOOK ON THE ROAD. CUE THE WATTPAD BOOK!!!)

It's been a few hours for you since you helped Rin with her situation. You obviously didn't know what to do next and didn't even bother to look at the time. You didn't know what made you feel drowsy and so cranky.

You have Rin. She's always been a moral compass. She never made you mad, frustrated, or even yell.

You have your parents, Mom and Dad. You have to call them on the weekends, that's what every family does. Even if you don't need or want to.

You have you dream dorm. Your parents helped you and some of your relatives. You have gifts that you've opened. You have your electronics and tools. You have what you have.

You have your needs and wants. Piling up to be some more.




You woke up with your heart beating fast. You saw that you've been sleeping with your head in both in your arms. Your breathing was heavy. 

You checked the time, and it was only 7:03. "Damn, it's that dark?" you said under your breath. But when you were about to get up you felt a sensation of shaking. 

It was both of your hands.

"What?" you said looking down. You tried too not be too worried about it, but it just made you question a lot. 

Why's my hand shaking all of the sudden? Was it that weird dream? But it didn't make sense. All dreams have to have a meaning. I was probably just sleeping on it. 

I had my heart pound before when I had dreams but not like this.

What does it mean. I'll think about it later. What's so important.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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