Oneshot 1

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3rd Person POV

3:45 - After School
Bryan calls Rohan for a meeting, he didn't say any apparent reason in which made Rohan anxious. Realizing that Bryan called was too nerve-racking to him and feel his face turn a small tint of red, not to mention that he's romantically interested in Bryan. Every time he thinks about him, his stomach fills up with butterflies. He imagines several scenarios between the two as he flusters and cracks a smirk while a drop of sweat falls down from his beet red face as thoughts rush through him. It was a mess at first, it was uncontrollable but over time he's taking control of it step by step.

He slaps himself and looks at the watch. It's 3:56

'shit! I was thinking about him so much i didn't even think about what time it is, I don't wanna be late!' He thought of himself while he packs his items and exits the classroom.

As Rohan briskly walks down the stairs, questions brainstorm in his mind and deeply thought about one question.

"Why did he call me?"

He knew he wasn't the first choice to call since the others are more reliable in things he does, Bryan knows Rohan is always busy so he wouldn't call him 99% of the time. Rohan's face changed to a hurriedly look to a feared look, he was scared that he might get lectured or anything bad. He's  glad that there were no students in the building to give any sort of suspicion to his antics. While he's walking at a faster pace Bryan calls him again on the phone:

Brian: Hello? Rohan?
Rohan: Hello, uh-sorry i was late but I'm on my way now--i was doing something real quick but don't worry *inhale* I'm on my way.
Brian: just be here real quick *sighs* I got more important business to attend to later. Thanks.
[End Call]

He wipes his face with a handkerchief and slammed his palms onto his face because he wasn't ready when Bryan Called him. He reclaims his composure and continued to go down 2nd floor to ground floor.


Rohan silently panted as he walks to Bryan's office, the room was dark and no one was there. He thought of finding him in other places but it's the first thing he thought of, he holds the knob and take his one last final breath before opening the door.

*Door creaks*
Rohan: Hello? Is anyone here? Sr Brya-

Bryan pulls Rohan in the room and pinned him on the near corner where nobody could see them, as pushes him to the wall rohan yelped a bit from the impact. Rohan tries to get out of his grasp as his first instinct, he didn't know who pinned him until Bryan shows his face smirking lustfully, Rohan did nothing but blush and furrow his brows as his heart starts to pound. All he could hear was his heartbeat and heavy breathing "W-what are you doing?" Rohan managed to let out
Bryan hushes him signalling to be quiet
"I know you are into me, it's time for your fantasy to come true. Don't resist while I do you." He glared.
"Wait! Stop, please I don't want to.." Rohan looked at him, Bryan looks away "hm.. I thought you wanted this, Everytime you look at me you get really red and sometimes you get excited without even noticing." He puckered his lips and averts his eyes directly to me "Dont you want me?" replied in a pleading look placing his hand to Rohan's chin
"But we're in school there might be other teachers here and w-"
"They all got out because I told them so, I almost got called out because I got excited while thinking about what I'll do with you. Took me a lot of courage to tell them." He brushes Rohan off. "You were thinking about me? I thought you didn't like me because i wasn't much reliable on your work and-" "Shh..shh..." Bryan cuts off again "I never call you for help because you're always busy, I wouldn't want to be a burden with your tight schedule." he lightly shakes his head "How, do you want it now or not? This is the only time I'll ever give you this opportunity." Bryan leans to the side of his face whispering near his ear sending tingles down Rohan's spine, he's tempted. He thought it's impossible for this to happen, 'Never in a million timelines where he'd be doing this, he has a child for Christ's sake!' He cursed in his thoughts. He was surprised it's definitely happening, after short thinking he took the chance and cups his hand on Brian's left cheek leaning his mouth closer and talked breathlessly

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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