prologue 2

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Ah, my lovely Mistress,

"W-who?! Show your self!!, Wait no maybe not, your probably a g-ghost but w-well it's no like I'm s-scared or anything"

The noble and beautiful flower of evil,

"????? What?? "

You have the most purest beauty number one in the three realm

"O-oh thank you?, who ever you are"

ーMirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most…(baddest bitch of em all😘😘😘)

ーFor thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,

"The what?? "

Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.(hoho say less😏)

"And why would I, The Great Mammon will not be ordered by anyo-" however her hands started moving on its own?!?!

Flames that turn even stars into ashes,

"BRO why would you-"

Ice that imprison even time,

But her vision was already darkening only hearing

"Great tree that swallow even the sky,"

"Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness,"

"Come now, show your power."

"Mine, theirs, and yours,"

"There’s only little time left for us."

"Do not let go of the hand, at all costs"

Mammon:'now that I think about it his voice is h-' before she could Finnish her thoughts her conscious started to ran out


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