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— ✧ The morning sun rose, its yellow warm glow peering through the silk curtains and laying on the wooden floor. A calico cat shaped rug getting its share of sweet sweet sun as the minutes passed. Soon enough the room was its own little orange haven, visible dust particles floated by books, mangas, and figurines who looked like an aesthetic pinterest pin.

In this glowing kingdom, arose its king...in his messy pink-dyed hair glory, hair strands springing out as he sat up in his bed. Simon, in his pink short shorts stretched his arms up and let out a yawn, he was basically like the perfect princess. Something about summer mornings made him smile, the warmness of the soft sun hitting his own soft skin. Or perhaps it was the outfits he couldn't wait to wear. Simon's sheets slipped off of him as he stood up and stepped on his calico cat rug, itching the top of his head before fixing his bed nicely, then taking a seat and checking his phone notifications. He was well known around social media for his short writing prompts, his 'OOTD', 'GRWM' and about his appearance. Apparently people really like asian features for some reason, but at this point he didn't mind he found it quite funny actually.

Nothing new today just you daily dose of strange DM's, stupid comments and spam likes left and right, but that was just a normal Tuesday for them. He responded by simply sighing and setting his phone down on the nightstand. Learning not to let social media take over you is the best thing a person can do to themselves, self care y'know. Something Simon has almost mastered but not quite, you see because now he's just sitting on the edge of his bed switching between 2 options.
✧ Go back to sleep
✧ Get up, do your daily routine and do errands that you've been planning since 2 days earlier.

To be fair going back to bed just seemed easier, and he thought the same thing but deep down he's telling himself that he has to do the errands which he really does need to. This was summer break, and with that it means that school has to start again at some point right? Well yes obviously. He wanted to divide his errands into different days, and today was the day to get school supplies which was one of his favorite parts. Especially getting supplies that were either cat or anime themed, or why not both! "Okay..let's do this...", Simon softly said the tiredness could be heard for miles, his voice was a bit deeper than what his appearance would suggest, which he also found funny, his followers loved it. Another soft yawn. He grabbed his towel and phone, created new notes with all the stores he'll need to stop at, created a schedule knowing where and when he'll stop for lunch and go home. There's really no point in making these, he never follows them, if he sees a store he likes he goes easy as that. And like many highschool students the only schedule we follow is class schedule and even then we are tardy or don't show up. Another yawn, another scratch on the head. "The plan is i'll look good and forget how tired I am" they smiled, "Besides I get dad's card every summer break, a horrible idea on his end, but a great day for me" He spoke, turning on the ship were before stripping and shuffling his shower playlist, starting the day with Hype Boy by NewJeans. "Cause iiiii know what you like boy" he sang while admiring his slim body in the mirror, he really liked his body, a slim waist, a slutty waist as many would say and such soft skin, why was he still single for real. (i ask myself this on a hourly basis)

Hair dripping he stepped out the shower, steam absolutely pouring out the bathroom when they opened the door. Now the hardest part of the day, the outfit...cue some dramatic music because Simon was now staring at his walk-in closet (if you haven't gotten the hint yet he's the rich kid) absolutely perplexed on what the actual fuck he should wear today. He's going to the mall. He has to look great, this can be the day they get a boyfriend. This is a chance to make people try to look decent in public. He's not one to judge but you can do better than basketball shorts or the most basic ass skinny jeans, unless you can style it well he's going to give a judgemental stare.   Moving on..the outfit, all his clothes were in pink, white and black, he has way too many clothes for his own good but "You can never have enough clothes", he speaks to himself and walks in his closet, boxers on don't worry and starts experimenting a bit. "What combo should i do today...i haven't done pink and black in a while i can do that...oh yes i know!!" ecstatic he grabbed the clothes he wanted to mix together and see how it looked, gosh he looked edible. Wether it was the thigh showing, perhaps the way the shorts and belt hugged his waist just so well, another successful outfit. To be honest he is a very stereotypical gay but even he would describe himself as such. The next not so hard challenge was makeup, his makeup style changed all the time it just mattered on how he was feeling and today he was feeling pretty confident, let's go with something a bit intimidating. One of his favorite things to do is look intimidating when he certainty isn't but random people at the mall wont know a thing.

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