Chapter 3

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~ Chapter 3 ~ 

**Sophie’s P.O.V**

I slammed my locker door shut and turned around. Of course of all classes it had to be math. I walked from my locker and set off down the hall to my destination that was on the other side of the school. I walked about 3 meters before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to be met with Calum’s brown eyes.

“Hey Soph.” He spoke smiling.

We both walked together down the hall. We had math together so I guess that made things better.

“Hey Cal.” I replied returning his smile.

“So Ashton tells me your joining us for band prac?” he said looking around the halls scanning the people walking by.

“Um, yeah. He said he’d help me catch up with my homework if I came” I shrugged.

“Oh.. But I could help you.. like if erm you know.. need help.” He trailed off a bit sounding nervous. Why would he be nervous?


“I know Cal” I said giggling. “Ash is just going to help me this once.” I smiled.

“Oh” He replied as he walked in to the class room as I followed behind him.

I took my seat and watched as Cal placed his books down with a light thud and slumped down in to his chair with a sigh.

“But.. You know I need help with the math homework from last week that you could help me with. Ashton sucks at math.” I piped up out of the blue giving Calum a small smile

He turned to me and returned a smile before he said “I’ll help you when you’re free yeah?”

“Sure” I beamed happily.

Before I knew it the bell had gone for break. Calum and I had walked out of class together. Math sucked. I wanted to turn to talk to Cal but I turned around and he was gone. I sighed and walked off to my locker. It was a long walk but worth it. I turned the dial and put my code in for the numbers on my locker and opened it. Placing my books and calculator in there. I zipped open my school bag that lay on the bottom of the locker and pulled out a red apple, I then slammed it shut and turned it again the dial so no one could get it to it and steal my things. I then walked off trying to find the other three boys. Not knowing where Calum was depressing. He would always be with me. I don’t understand.

Soon I had just gotten to the music room and walked behind it and surely enough before me were standing three boys, also known as Luke, Ashton and the one and only Michael.

“Hey boys.” I spoke up before walking over to where they were standing.

“Oh uh, hey Adam’s” Michael said turning to look at me. He smiled before running a hand through his hair.

“Hey Sophie” Luke said smiling as he gave me a small wave. I returned his wave and poked Ashton in the chest who was looking out at the other students.

“Something wrong Ash?” I whispered

“Huh? Uh what? No nothing.” He replied snapping his head towards my direction as he stuttered.

“Er ok then.” I said trailing off.

“What’s up with him?” I asked Michael and Luke before I took a bite of my apple and chewed it slowly.

“Dunno.” Luke shrugged.

“Um where’s Cal?” Ashton spoke up from behind me.

 I swallowed the apple that was in my mouth and replied to him saying “He walked off after math class. Haven’t seen him since.” I shrugged.

But the real question was where the hell was Calum anyway? He wouldn’t ditch school would he? No he would never ditch without me would he? We would both ditch here and there but he would never go on his own. Maybe he was talking to someone? All in all I had no clue. Where ever he was I was okay with it, just as long as he was safe.


I know, I know this chapter sucks sorry. In the next few chapters I'll be skipping a few mothns to make it fit in to the story better and I still have a heap of homework but I made an effort to update. I honestly suck at writing so yeah. Anyways, bye! :) xx 

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