Chapter 7

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~ Chapter 7 ~ 

*Sophie’s P.O.V*

I heard my phone buzz as I was cuddled in to my blankets. I sighed and reached over to picked up that one device that was needed. I checked the front of the screen. It was a text from Cal. I opened the text with a slide of my finger. I read it over twice just to make sure I read it right.

Come to my house in 20 mins, need to talk. It’s important. x” It read. Well okay then.

I groaned as I threw the warm blankets off of me and heading to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel out of my drawer and placed it on the towel rack. With a sigh I slowly peeled my clothes off and turned on the water of the shower. I let it run until it was warm. I stepped in and let the hot liquid run down my body.

Last night was fun. We had pizza and then I watched the boys practice. After Ashton helped with my homework, which I must admit he sucked at.

As I picked up my strawberry smelling shampoo and squeezed some in to the palm of my hand I thought about Cal. Why had he been so distant lately? He wouldn’t talk to me, but he’d just stare. What would he even want to talk about?

 I rubbed my shampoo in to the top of my head quickly before rinsing and then doing my conditioner and washing that out as well. I did my soap and stuff and then turned the water off. I reached over and grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.

I walked back in to my bedroom and pulled out my black skin jeans and a peach shirt. I put on my under garments and then my clothing. I quickly put on some white socks and a pair of white converse shoes. I sighed and walked my way back to the bathroom taking my towel with me. I quickly towel dried my hair and threw it in to a braid. I admit I was too lazy to do my hair right now. I dropped the towel on to the floor without care. I would pick it up later anyway. I put on some concealer and just a tiny bit of mascara. I didn’t like piling on make-up. I never did. I don’t like being those cakes face girls. You know them ones who always care if their eye liner has smudged.

I walked out of the bathroom and back in to my room, I grabbed my purse, phone and house key knowing my parents would probably leave to go the down street soon. I pulled my bedroom door open and walked slowly down the stairs. Calum wouldn’t care if I was late or not.

“Where are you going hun?” I heard my mum ask as soon as I got to the front door.

“Calum’s.” I replied pulling the front door open

“Have fun!” I heard my mum shout as soon as I shut the front door and walked off.

I walked up to Calum’s door and walked right in. We never usually had to knock on each other’s doors. I mean come on we’ve known each other for ages. I closed the front door after me. His parents must have gone early morning shopping. I walked up to his room and knocked.

“Calum, I’m here”

“Uh… Come in” he mumbled.

I walked in to his room to get a view of a very sad looking Calum and a suitcase full of random clothes. His guitar put in its case and on his bed. What the hell is going on?

“Calum?” I said, giving him a confused look. “What’s going on?”

“I-i-i..” He choked out before he engulfed me in to his arms.

I gripped on to him tight. I didn’t know why he was crying, but I’m sure he had a reason. Maybe he had a fight with his parents and is being kicked out?

Calum rested his head on the crook of my neck as a few tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn’t stand to see Cal cry.

“Calum what’s going on?” I breathed out, rrepeating myself.

“I-I’m going to London for three months… a-and.” Calum stuttered out. He never finished what he said he just cried more, I did also. We both cried together in that one stop. Hugging and I didn’t want to let go. Not now and not ever.

*Calum’s P.O.V*

I sighed in to the crook of her neck as I pulled back. I didn’t want to let go but I had too.

“Sophie” I whispered as I whipped her tears away with my thumb and whipped mine away with my sleeve.

She sniffled and sighed.

“I don’t want to leave Sophie.” I mumbled.  “But I’ve to, for the album and for the boys.”

She just nodded. Before she started crying again and I immediately out of instinct pulled her back in to my arms. I had butterflies in my stomach and I was nervous as hell. My palms were sweating just a bit and my heart was pounding. It was pounding so much, I was scared she’d feel it.

“When do you leave?” She choked out.

“Tomorrow” I replied and she pulled out of my grasp and sluping herself on to my bed,

“That’s so soon.” She whispered not meeting my gaze.

“I know Sophie, I know.”

“I understand.” She said suddenly.

“Understand what?” I asked totally confused as I sat down next to her.

“Why you have to go. You know, you have to do an album and stuff. I understand.” She replied.

I turned to face her, god she was beautiful.

“I’m going to miss you.” I said as my gaze found its way to her lips. I started leaning in and my heart was pounding faster and faster. I moved my gaze from her eyes to her lips over and over. I noticed Sophie leaning in slightly as well. What the hell was I doing? I couldn’t kiss her. I needed to stop but I couldn’t. Our lips were literally inches apart. I was nervous. In fact, I was so nervous that I was shaking. And as usual a phone had to interrupt the moment. In fact in was my phone.

 I sighed and turned my head away before reaching over and grabbing my phone.

“Tell her.” Of course it had to be a text from Luke. How the hell could I tell her?! I was just about to kiss her 10 seconds ago, which she probably hates me for doing now. I ignored the text and threw my phone somewhere on my bed.

“I’ll miss you too.” Sophie whispered, as she pulled me in to a hug.

I would miss her more than anyone and I had to leave her. I didn’t want to let go of her, but I knew at some point I had to, No matter what was happening. I was just glad that she understood. It hurt though. It hurt not seeing the one person whom I love for 3 months.

*Authors note* I know it's short and i'm sorry for that, but i've a really bad cold and writter block and this is all I could come up with. Any way, how cute was it when Cal and Sophie were hugging? Update should be up soon! :) xx

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