The Bucket Job (Part 1)

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         Christmas music echoed through Leverage as the team gathered around to celebrate Christmas. *Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz* "Wow they've really been bugging you about your Christmas plans" Breanna says, leaning to take a peek at Eliot's phone. "Why are you looking at my phone?" Eliot asked, "It lit up!" Breanna defends herself  "Alec says we've been getting a bunch of raids on our firewall lately"

"Don't-" Eliot tries to stop her, "Oh, what's that about?" Sophie asked. "Oh so he has time for cyber security but not to come spend Christmas with me?" Parker huffs. "What are you doing? Now, why do you have to cause problems?" Eliot grumbled. "Oh please, everybody just settle down. Let's play nice, It's the holidays!" Sophie admonishes them. "We have been working hard, We deserve a break" Eliot says, "We do" Sophie nods, pouring a glass of wine for everyone. "Look at this spread that i made" Eliot laughs before his smile fell, "This is stupid" Pulling off his paper crown.

"My brother was right, he does get grinchy around the holidays" Breanna says, "Grinch is gonna get more wine" Eliot grumbles before walking into the kitchen. "How about you Sa-i? Is Vica joining us for the holidays?" Sophie asks. "Yeah she is, sadly flights are all delayed because of the weather, so she won't be arriving until after Christmas" Sa-i answers. "Maybe with a little bit of Christmas miracle she'll be able to spend Christmas with us!" Parker says excitedly.

*Knock knock knock knock* "Carolers?" Parker perks up at the knocks. Sa-i stands up from her seat to go open the door, a second later Eliot comes out of the kitchen. They both nod at each other before opening the door.

The door opens to reveal only one person, Sa-i relaxes and goes back to her seat. "Eliot spencer?" The young man asks, "No," Eliot answered. "I need your help, you and your friends over there" he says.

"I'm sorry pal, you got the wrong place" Eliot says, "Can you just hear me out? Please" He pleads. Eliot looks back to Sophie, waiting for her approval. Sophie nods and Eliot opens the door wider, letting him in.


"So, there i am, 10 years old, I'm gay and I'm running from the school bully. Typical day in fifth grade, but this day I got kinda lost, so I ducked into the first building I could find, the town library" The young man, Maurice, said. "Good choice" Sophie complimented. "Right, and the librarian, Mr. Blanche, hides me, chases away the bully. Then he asks me what's my favorite book. 'Why, the bible, sir. My dad's a preacher' Mr. Blanche walks me through the library, pulls down Roald Dahl, E.B. White, hands me a stack of them. I said, 'I'm sorry sir, I can't take these home. My father won't allow it' Mr. Blanche doesn't even blink, he says 'That's okay I'll keep these for you behind the counter and you can read them after school' so that's what i did, everyday, after school." Maurice continued his story.

"So the library became your sanctuary" Sophie said, "And more, reading introduced a whole new world for me. College, nursing school, I owe it all to Mr. Blanche" He said.

"So it's not about you, it's about him" Eliot says, Maurice's face fell "He's got cancer. He's asymptomatic now, but he's in stage four. Refuses to get treatment, and now he's started having episodes with his heart"

Sophie says in a soft tone "I'm so sorry Maurice, I know what it's like to lose someone. But... I don't see how we can help you, I mean we go after guilty parties. If your friend for example had become sick by... I don't know, poisoned groundwater, or-or asbestos, or-" "Look, i don't want you to go after anyone, i want you to make Mr. Blanche feel like a real hero. Like the ones he reads about in those books. Just...for one day... one Christmas wish"


The team sits in a line with sticky notes stuck to their forehead, facing away from Sophie. "The game is forehead detective, you have to guess the character on your forehead" Sophie says. One by one the team turns around. Harry turns first with 'C'mon' stuck on his forehead, next is Sa-i with 'Sophie', then Breanna with 'Just', Parker with 'It', and Eliot with 'do'. Eliot looks to the side, noticing the mix up. He grumpily switched his and Parker's, grumbling.

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