The Hurricane Job (Part 1)

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"Mine," Sa-i whispers softly, cupping Vica's cheek before leaning down for a kiss, a slow, sensual, open-mouthed kiss that leaves them both panting for air. "My Wife, My love"

"Say that again, darling," Vica whispers, moving to straddle Sa-i

"My Wife. My love."

Vica lets out a pleased hum, a happy sound that Sa-i can feel against her chest. The grifter tucks her head in under her love's chin, body relaxed and limp as she rests. A comfortable silence engulfed the bedroom, Sa-i's eyes droop as sleep starts to take over.

"Darling, i think you should continue working with Leverage" Vica's voice cuts through the silence. Sa-i peaks one of her eyes open "Come again?"

"I think you should continue working with Leverage. And before you say anything, I know you only joined because I was occupied with that job in Nicaragua, but now that the job is done, I still want you to continue working with Leverage" Vica whispers.

"But I thought we're partners babe? You're not breaking up with me are you?" Sa-i frowns.

Vica chuckles "No, god no. You are stuck with me forever Mrs. Moon. But like I said before darling, your only social interactions were either your online friends, me, or the people we meet when running cons. And when we're not running cons you're often stuck to that chair gaming until dark if i don't pull you away first. I think it's good for you to have your own group of friends and something to do to pull you off that chair and into some fresh air. And perhaps... I sometimes like to entertain the idea of waiting for my darling to get off work, a warm dinner ready on the table as we share how our day was" Vica shrugs, tucking her head back in her wife's neck to hide the blush blooming on her face.

Sa-i chuckles, gently cupping Vica's face to look into her beautiful eyes "Am i hearing this right? The Empress, one of the best grifters I know, just admitted that she wants to be a housewife?"

"Oh shut up" Vica smacks Sa-i's shoulder, rolling her eyes " I'll be away occasionally for a job when I'm itching for some action, and maybe, once in a while I might steal you away for a con. I am human after all"

"We can make it a special occasion, date night cons" Sa-i smirks, "I love how your mind works, Darling," Vica chuckles.

Sa-i thinks for a moment before asking "Why not join leverage too?"

Vica presses a kiss to Sa-i's temple, "Of course not Darling, I want Leverage and the team to be your thing. And... maybe I love the way your eyes lights up when you tell me stories and the things you did with the team, how you helped those people with your skills"

Sa-i stares at her beautiful and oh so wonderful wife, her eyes brimming with love. She pulls at Vica's waist, brushing her lips against Vica's "사랑해 자기야 (Love you babe)"

"I love you too darling, to the moon and back"


"Maybe I shouldn't have listened to Vica, " Sa-i sighed, pouring rain and storm roared in the sky as Eliot, Parker and Sa-i docks on the nearest island they could find.

You see, the Leverage crew were running a job in the Grand Caymans when a raging storm crashed their party, delaying their plans and complicating extraction. Harry, Sophie, and Breanna got out in the last flights off the island. Eliot, Parker, and Sa-i however? Well, let's just say they pulled the short end of the stick.

"If you hadn't insisted on taking down the mark in his own yacht!" Eliot shouts, thundering rain muffling his voice. "Yeah, well if you hadn't stolen a getaway boat held together with duct tape, we wouldn't be stuck on an island!" Parker shouts back. "Look, we're not stuck alright? I called backup" Eliot huffs. "Oh you called backup, okay, well what kind of backup has a boat nearby-" Parker rolls her eyes. "Guys, quit it. We need to find shelter" Sa-i says.

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