chapter 5

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Your pov

I looked around the room i then felt someone take by arms

"Come Madame let's get you into your room"

I nodded and let Alfred take me there i reached my room and said goodnight i got ready for bed and then i locked my door just as Nick said i then climbed into my bed and turned off the lights

As i was about to sleep i heard a gunshot and screams i shot up and turned on my lights

I quickly got up and unlocked my door and ran to the gunshot i gasped as i saw Tobey dead he had blood running threw his head and he was holding a gun meaning he killed himself

I closed my eyes i then heard someone run beside me i looked at the person and saw charles he gasped when he saw the body he looked away i then hugged him and i felt him hug me back

I then saw Audrey and Nick they also looked at the body and i saw Audrey look at Nick

"Don't look at me like that,i can feel it"

I started to breathe heavily

"Y/n calm down everything is going to be okay"

Said charles in a comforting voice i started to breathe in and out

"Thank you charles"

"It'a alright let's just get you to your room"


In the morning we made it to Monaco and a detective came inside the yacht to see what has happend and searched for clues

I was beside charles holding his hand my heart was a racing a pit but i kept my cool

"Mesdames,messieurs my name is inspector laurent delacroix i will noe summon you one by one to the grand lounge for questioning"

He then puffed out a circle everyone stared at it like they've never seen it before in their whole life then the bodyguard broke it

"Oh your broke it,you broke it"


I saw as some went in for questioning i then saw someone walk out then it was Charles turn i wished him luck and he smiled at me and went inside

I then saw him come out then it was my turn i breathed in and out then went inside i saw Charles look at me and smile i smiled back and went inside

"So tell me about Malcom Quince"

"I think that he's an ungrateful swine"

I said honestly he nodded

"Describe to me what happend"

"Well i was standing next to charles then the lights turned off and all i heard was a stabbing sound and a gun shot"

"Did anyone touch the body"

"Yes several people"

I said honestly

"And did you notice anything else out of the ordinary?"

"Yes i did,Grace was bieng wierd so did Tobey but i geus that's just how they act"

I said he nodded and then wrote inside his notebook

"alright you can go now Madame"

I nodded and walked out of the room the detective following he then called in the Americans I then walked over to Charles

"How did it go?"

"It went good"

We then started to talk


It was Juan Carlos's race and everyone was there to watch i was sitting with Charles then i went to go get a drink then i saw Nick i smiled

"Oh hi Nick"

"Hi y/n,hey again huge fan"

I smiled

"You love my modeling or singing?"

"Both,anyway i have a question who do you think did it?"



"Well i mean she is an actress so when she walked out she might've been fake crying and she might've turned off the lights but maybe i'm just insane"

I then ordered a Champaign

"Hm okay it was nice talking with you"

I smiled and saw him walk away i then saw he walked over to Grace i just hope he doesn't say what i told him

I then saw that Calors won i clapped my hands and smiled i then drank up my Champaign

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