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Autistic Wednesday and ADHD Enid because I said so.

Enid and Wednesday had been dating for about a month now. Things were a little rocky with Enid never being able to tell if Wednesday was imminently about to murder her or not but she's pretty confident that Wednesday won't suddenly slit her throat some day. And Wednesday is pretty confident there's nothing Enid could do that would make Wednesday want to slit her throat.

It was a very bright and sunny day, so when Enid suggested they go on a date today, Wednesday brought an umbrella. Enid didn't tell Wednesday what the date would consist of, she doubted Enid even knew, but that was ok. She found it cure how her girlfriend always impulsively did things without a plan. She never minded picking up the pieces of whatever she had done, though she would never admit it and she teases Enid mercilessly over it.

Enid grabbed Wednesday's sleeve and started jumping excitedly and pointing at a coffee shop, the weathervane. Wednesday quietly scoffed but let Enid pull her inside without much resistance. How could she? She was so excited. As the two sat down Enid began rapidly listing every possible thing she could order, wanting Wednesday's opinion.

"I don't think I'm qualified to give you an opinion."

"Why not?"

"I've never ordered anything other than black coffee, everything you said sounds equally nasty to me."

Enid pouted. Fuck. Wednesday softly bit her lip, barely noticeable to anyone. She hates when Enid pouts because now she feels bad.

"Ugh, fine, The Unicorn whatever sounds like you'd like it."

"There was three Wednesday."

What the hell what kind of coffee shop needs three kinds of Unicorn drinks?

"Get the third one."

Enid giggled and grabbed Wednesday's hand under the table. She fidgeted with the rings on Wednesday's hand that Wednesday specifically wore for her. One of which was a cheap, plastic ring with a cat face on it. She hated it but Enid would get so excited whenever she wore it.

Tyler approached the table with a notebook. Wednesday chose not to acknowledge him, he might take that as a signal.

"What can I get you two today!"

He smiled the smile that you only see on customer service workers who have just been yelled at by an angry old woman with a coupon.

"I'll get a medium Unicorn Frappuccino and she'll get a medium black coffee!"

Tyler scribbled down their orders on a notepad and left. Enid made a face as he walked away.

"You liked that guy?"

Wednesday nearly vomited at the memory.

"There's not a day where I don't wonder what I was thinking."

Enid giggled and squeezed Wednesday's hands. Wednesday squeezed back and softly ran her thumb over Enid's, which made her giggled and grin at Wednesday. God she's so cute. Had she known it would result in her meeting Enid, she would've dumped Paranhas on some dumb assholes so much sooner.

Tyler cleared his throat as he approached the table and set their drinks down.

"Here you two go!"

Again with the fakest smile a human could ever observe. Enid grinned and grabbed her drink. It looked even more disgusting than it sounded. It was so bright pink she wouldn't be surprised if the plastic cup contained less artificial ingredients than the drink.

And Wednesday's look of absolute horror did not go unnoticed.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad! Here try a sip."

Against her better judgement, Wednesday took a sip. It was so sweet her face burned.

"Cara Mia I love you but this cannot be good for you."

Enid simply giggled and continued drinking it. Wednesday drank her coffee to try to wash the taste out of her mouth, but the sweetness continued to linger. After she finished her cup she accepted that she would have to continue tasting that crime against humanity for a while.

After a while of conversation the two decided to leave, they paid, left a tip because even if they hate Tyler they're not monsters, (hopefully he doesn't think it's a signal) and decided to walk around for a while before returning to their dorm. However, the street was much busier than it was earlier that morning. It was loud, colorful, every couple seconds when someone walked by a new cologne or perfume filled Wednesday's senses. She squeezed Enid's hand and pulled her just a little closer.

"What's wrong babe? Are you ok?"


Wednesday's whole body was tense. She was shaking. Not much, but enough for Enid to notice. Wednesday pushed herself into Enid's chest and covered her ears.

The werewolf gently placed a hand on her back. Her Claws were out and she was fully alert. What could possibly be scaring Wednesday so bad? She needed to get herself and Wednesday out of there that second.

When the two got back to the dorm Enid gently guided Wednesday to her bed. She was still shaking a little but she seemed a bit better. Enid sat beside her and grabbed her hand.

"What happened? Are you ok? What was going on."

Wednesday held a hand up, and with the softest, shakiest voice she had ever heard out of Wednesday, she said,

"Please, no talking."

Enid wanted to ask more questions but given the current situation she figured Wednesday actually meant it. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Thing, who was rapidly signing.

"She's overstimulated right now."

She walked over to thing and crouched beside him.

"How can I help her?"

She whispered as quietly as she could muster.

"Turn the lights off, cover the window"

Enid gave a sharp nod and ran to do just that. Once she was done she saw Wednesday following thing to the bathroom. She sat down beside where Wednesday had just been sitting and shortly after Wednesday emerged in a plain black hoodie, and black pajama pants with roses and skulls. She placed herself beside Enid and rested her head on her shoulder. Careful to not give in to her impulses and talk, she guided Wednesday down so that the two of them could lay down and gently wrapped an arm around her waist


Wednesday nuzzled her face into the side of Enid's neck as she calmed down. Usually she wouldn't have let anyone touch her, especially someone wearing incredibly sweet smelling perfume when she was overstimulated but it was different with Enid, especially when being bumped by all the people with various other smells, all she needed was one familiar person.

"Thank you."

Wednesday muttered out. She felt Enid nod. She really appreciated how hard Enid was trying to help, and for that, she gave Enid a gentle peck on the cheek.

Wenclair oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora