Romeo and Juliet AU

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Except they're the same age and it's not a 13 year old and a literal grown man. Enid is a lesbian disaster.

Enid grunted as she landed hard on the ground. She hissed in pain as she crept slowly through the garden, twigs filled her hair and she was covered in dirt, but she hadn't quite realized that.

Maybe breaking and entering is bad. It is pretty bad, in fact. Yoko had convinced her to go to a party to help her get over Ajax, and after seeing the Addams' daughter? How could she not break the law? Who is Ajax? She sighed to herself, longing for that look they shared at the party she should not have been at. She would kill to relive that conversation they had over and over for the rest of her life.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sigh from above her.

Wednesday will not be monologuing about how pretty Enid is in old English I'm sorry guys

The sigh was quickly followed by a frustrated groan. Enid slowly moved away from underneath the balcony to see who was up there, and it was none other than the Addams' daughter, head in hands, leaned against the railing.


She said, as if to simply test how the name felt on her tongue, nothing more.

"Enid Sinclair..."

Her tone was heavy with disappointment, more emotion than Enid had heard from her in the two nights she had known her.

"Why a Sinclair? Why would she tell me?"

Wednesday moved a hand from her face to the balcony, shaking her head slightly. Thin, tan fingers drummed neatly against pale stone as the girl combed the hand covering her face backwards through her hair.

Shit that's hot.

Enid squeaked and stumbled backwards, stepping on a unfortunately very crunchy twig (cliche) , tripping and landing flat on her ass.

Wednesday's previously soft eyes deeply lost in thought darted towards where Enid was, now sharp as daggers.

"Who's there?"

She said, with terrifying calmness.


Enid stuttered, standing up and brushing herself off.

"Nobody! Or uh, the milk man? No the mail man!"

She stumbled over her words, her sentence barely cohesive enough to understand. Wednesday's steely gaze just slightly softened, likely with confusion.


Her eyes went wide as she realized who the voice belonged to. Her face was quickly replaced by confused frustration.

"Did you seriously break into my family's fucking garden? How the hell did you even get back here?"

Enid was sweating bullets as she gripped a vine (that is strong enough to support her body wight bc wtf else is she gonna climb) and pulled herself up with it.

" love for you has no bounds Addams..!"

She gave a weak grin as she stammered out the line thing told her works on girls 100% of the time. Wednesday sighed and pulled a dagger from her sleeve (what the fuck) and held it to the vine Enid was awkwardly scrambling up.

"No! Nonono it's uh, you look wonderfully corpse like tonight? Seeing you is like a knife painfully stabbed in my heart?"

Wednesday hesitated, then put the dagger away.

"What do you want."

"To see you again! You're very..."

She hesitated, considering her words.

"Ghoulish? Is that insulting to you?"

Wednesday slightly smirked, though Enid couldn't tell, it was like midnight it was dark as fuck.

"You're very pretty too Enid but you can't trespass on private property."

"I live for the thrill!"

She giggled as she gripped the bottom of the railing. She just had her hand over the top of the railing when she realized.

Wait she called me pretty.

She had let go without thinking and began a two meter drop when a cold hand gripped her arm with shocking strength.

"Am I really that astonishing up close?"

Enid nodded rapidly as she finally made it onto the balcony.

"Absolutely gorgeous, Addams."

Wednesday rolled her eyes and gagged a little.

"You sound like my mom."

"In a good way?"

"In the worst way possible. Your presence is torture."

Enid frowned for a moment before remembering who she was talking to.

"Like, in a good way?"

Wednesday sighed.

"In a good way."

Enid's eyes lit up and she grinned at Wednesday.


"Don't push it Sinclair."

"Alright, alright my bad."

The two stood, uncomfortably close in silence for a moment. Enid looked her in the eyes and jumped.

"Oh yeah! Somebody told me you might like these!"

She grabbed the bag loosely slung around her shoulder and pulled out a bouqet of roses with the flower cut off. Wednesday was startled, but took them anyways. She chuckled a little.

"You know, most who come to court me treat me like the way I am needs to be fixed. They bring sweet flowers in all colours, they tell me I shine like the sun. I've never seen any of them more than once."

Wednesday stepped just a little closer to Enid.

"You're the first to make an effort to appeal to me, not to how you think a girl as pretty as me should be."

Wednesday gave her a soft peck on the cheek.

"You're also the first I've seen more than once, though this was unplanned. Would you like to make it a third some time?"

Enid turned bright red, she backed into the railings surrounding the balcony and stammered.

"Uh,yeah, cool, great, sounds good to me chief!"


Wednesday turned around and placed the rose stems in a conveniently placed vase.

"Hey you phrase that like I'll be leaving right now! I wanted to at least stay a while."


"You can call me Enid!"

She smiled. Wednesday hesitated.

"..Enid, you broke into my home, I think I can tell you to leave whenever I like."

She frowned, turning to climb back down the balcony. Wednesday sighed and placed a hand on Enid's shoulder. She turned around.


Her hum was quickly ended by Wednesday's lips meeting hers. It was quick, there wasn't really much to it, but god Enid could've sworn her heart exploded in that moment.

"I couldn't let you leave without something, not with you looking that sad. Same time here tomorrow?"

Enid nodded rapidly, grinning wildly as she stumbled over the railing and climbed back down.

This was so mf hard to write because no way in hell would Wednesday fall for someone after knowing them for literally a day but also I wanted them to kiss 🤬🤬

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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