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(Enid never dated or kissed Ajax bc I said so 🤬🤬 also they're not dating yet here)

Enid was often the one who struggled with nightmares, especially after the incident with the hyde and cragstone. When Wednesday had them, typically she enjoyed them. This was the exception.

She immediately knew she was dreaming. She was very good at that. Being such a logic driven person it was incredibly easy to tell when things are wrong. No matter how vivid, something is always off. This dream in particular, her hands were warped, and the ceiling was nothing but an empty black abyss. How boring. It wasn't scary when you knew it wasn't real.

That was when the room formed around Wednesday. The tomb where she nearly died. She let out a soft gasp that felt like lead in her lungs and looked around. The room was empty. It was then that Wednesday realized this was likely trauma induced. This was a first. She was a little excited until she felt a sharp, horrible pain in her abdomen. She reached down to where the pain was and there was nothing. Nothing but the floor of the weathervane. She looks up, she's in a dimly lit room now. She gasped and stumbled into a table, clutching her stomach still burning with pain she knows to not be real enough to hurt but god does it feel like it should. She groaned as she let herself fall to her knees from the pain. On her way down, a pale, thin hand caught her arm and pulled her up. She heard a familiar, masculine voice.

"Wednesday what's wrong? Are you ok?"

She couldn't place her finger on who the voice belonged to. She slowly raised her head to see the face of the monster she spent so long hunting. That was when she felt the non existent knife in her stomach twist. She fell backwards with little force from the hyde and landed painfully on the root of a tree and grass. Upon impact she flinched and she was in the forest, Hyde pinning her, ready to kill her. She flinched as the hyde opened its horrible maw, and as her eyes opened, it was as if she were a ghost. She could not see or move her body, her eyes were simply locked on the horrible
events occurring before her. It was Enid, horribly beaten and bloody.
She lay nude on the forest floor as the Hyde loomed over her. Wednesday tried to run, scream, cry, anything. But she was helpless and Enid was torn apart. And with that, she felt the pain of the knife being violently twisted again and yanked out.


Enid had an iron grip on her. Her eyes shot open and she clutched the scar marking where she was wounded. She felt a warm wetness covering the side of her face. Her first assumption was blood, but when she raised a hand to touch it, no colour appeared on her fingers. It was worse than blood. She was crying.

"Wednesday! Are you ok? You can talk to me if you need to I'll stay awake as long as you need me to!"

Enid looked like she had seen a ghost. Though maybe she was just tired. Either way she looked like a mess. She was pale, her hair was a disaster in just the right way, and she looked terrified. An expression Wednesday thought everyone looked good wearing. Not on Enid though.

"I'm fine."

Wednesday said rather quietly. She was still trying to ground herself back in the world of the awake. Enid's grip on her loosened. Her horrified stare quickly replaced itself with a soft frown and teary eyes.

"You were screaming Wednesday. You yelled my name. It was really scary to hear you so upset."

"Like, angry screaming?"

"No, no. I wouldn't have been so scared if it was. It was more, horribly, horribly scared."

Wednesday hummed in response. Her breath was gradually reaching a normal rhythm as she settled into normality. Enid raised a hand to Wednesday's face and paused when her hand was just above her eye.

"Can I?"

Wednesday stared confused, not quite sure of what she was asking, but nodded anyways. Enid wouldn't hurt her. It was a pleasant surprise when Enid wiped the tears from her eyes with her finger.

"It was that bad?"

"What do you mean."

"You haven't pushed me away yet."

Enid said, gently cupping Wednesday's cheek to test her theory. She flinched as Wednesday immediately to grip her wrist. Nothing else happened though. She simply sat there, staring up at Enid. Wednesday was just glad Enid was ok. She knew it wasn't real but all logic was gone as she watched her get torn apart.


Enid muttered trying to pull away her hand, but Wednesday quickly pulled it back.

"Don't be."

She raised her hand from the scar on her stomach to Enid's side.

"I wouldn't mind if you stayed a little longer."

Enid chuckled as her bottom lip quivered. The poor girl had enough empathy to fill an ocean.

"Oh man it must've been really bad. You sure you don't want to talk about it?"

Wednesday frowned and squeezed Enid's wrist a little harder.

"Come on Wednesday, a little emotional vulnerability is good for you sometimes."

"I'm fine Enid."

"No you're not. The Wednesday I know would never cling on to me like this if something wasn't horribly wrong. You hugged me once and that's because you had no idea if I was even alive or not!"

Wednesday sighed as Enid ran her thumb up and down Wednesday's cheek.

"It was uh.. That night, you know when everything kinda went down. I was stabbed."

Wednesday stopped as she saw Enid's reaction. She didn't want Enid to cry.

"Keep going I'm fine."

She hesitated.

"I was stabbed and then I was with Tyler. And then he was the Hyde. That is all."

Enid rolled her eyes and the look she gave Wednesday nearly gave her a heart attack.

"Wednesday I know that's not all."

She mumbled angrily and continued her explanation.

"The knife twisted and.. I was back in the forest, and the Hyde was there and.. You."

Wednesday's voice cracked and she squeezed Enid a little tighter.

"..I didn't win, did I."

Wednesday bit her lip and slightly nodded.

"It's over now Wednesday. You'll never have to go through that again, and in real life I won. You're ok now."

"I'm supposed to be the logical one."

Wednesday let just the smallest smile escape her cold expression. Enid laughed. The two stared at eachother for a moment, when Wednesday sat up and hugged Enid. Tight. Enid softly patted her back and let her bury her face into her chest.

"You're ok now. I'm right here."

Not that good but kinda neat concept 🤭🤭 I really like hurt comfort and emotionally unavailable suddenly needs emotional support tropes if you couldn't tell

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