✧. ┊    PROLOGUE

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Fleur was a confident young lady. She is an efficient student at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, people adore her, people thought she was a stuck up try hard. Their opinions used to weigh so much on the quarter-veela, she thought that everyone's judgement was worth it, maybe not some but she liked knowing she is the most dominant one in the room. Well, that all changed when a certain Ravenclaw entered her life. 

Belle-Claire was a dainty young lady. She mostly spent her time with Cho Chang, a lovely and fellow Ravenclaw fifth-year. Belle-Claire greatly disliked attention, but ironically(or not?) she was definitely touch starved. It was not that her parents neglected her, no no, her parents were dead. Died unfortunately in a car crash, giving Belle-Claire worse memory than a goldfish(from the "car crash" that she was present in). Although somehow she managed to remember Fleur's likes and dislikes, her scent and her style of clothes, pretty much everything that involved Fleur Delacour. Belle-Claire remembered it, most of the time it'll take time for Belle-Claire to remember things about people, but with Fleur it's the complete opposite. What's happening to her?

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