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BELLE-CLAIRE was ecstatic about the Triwizard Tournament, the concept of it seemed very exciting, competing against two different schools to win eternal glory. Sounds great she'd admit, of course, she'll not be entering as Belle-Claire or Belle(or Claire); is not the type of person to go putting herself out there with all of Hogwarts eyes on her. Just no, she could feel her anxiety bubbling in her with just the thought of having all eyes on her. Another good point about the Tournament is that the magical schools from France and Norway(or Sweden, since thats what came up when i googled where Durmstrang was) are coming to Hogwarts, meaning she'll have people to (try to) be friends with, meaning she could brush up on her french. Belle-Claire peeked at one of her best friends, Cho, observing how the asian girl had her head leaned on the wall with boredom. Patiently waiting for her beloved soulmate to be rid of her endless books and parchments of homework. 

"Claire..." Cho rolled the word long to show her desperation. "Please, please tell me you are done!" She required in a bit tired tone. Belle-Claire chuckled lightly as she started putting away her writing materials along with picking up the books from the table. "Yes, I am finally done..." Muttering an 'impatient little.." trailing off when she hears a familiar voice calling the French Ravenclaw.

"Belle!" Padma Patil whispers as soon as she gets within a hearing radius. She looked excited to say the least, Padma is a fellow Ravenclaw who just so happened to be very interested in Belle. She's not the first and definitely not the last to be intrigued with the Dark-haired beauty.

Belle-Claire found herself in the middle of her two partners in crime, chatting away after they exit the library. Soon after the trio finds themselves seated at the Ravenclaw table, awaiting for their dinners. It's late October and the delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. She was also excited to see the students from the Academy she was supposed to attend if her family hadn't moved to London. Although now that she had time to think about the Tournament she decided she didn't want to die before getting a wife(or husband) and moving into a small cottage where she'll live the rest of her life in peace, attending gatherings hosted by her good old friends and perhaps adopting a child. 


Anyways, the doors of burst open to reveal the lady herself, Madame Maxime, strutting after a group of girls who made the boys drool. Belle-Claire's eyes wondered to the group of girls gracefully enchanting everyone who they see. A handsome clutter of boys followed after. Her dark-colored eyes land on a stunning girl who, when all the other girls reached Dumbledore, started to do some spins next to a similar younger girl who was doing gymnastics. The sliver haired beauty had blue eyes that could rival the stars, she moved with more grace than her ballet instructor and that's saying something. 

The girl's performance was finished with a bow, creating a wave of claps and cheers. Madame Maxime talking to the headmaster of Hogwarts. 

The world around her seemed to stop as the girl looked up from her bow and met the gaze of Belle-Claire. Belle-Claire mustered a smile with a thumbs-up towards the unknown girl, getting flustered as the said girl giggled and smiled, before running, gracefully, to the rest of the girls and boys from her school. Soon came in the Durmstrang lot who, in Belle's opinion, where intimidating to say the least. 

 Beating their sticks on ground, they marched in with a sirius face. The headmaster, whose name remained unknown to Belle, greeted Dumbledore with a hug. Claire caught a glimpse of Padma looking rather viciously at the Durmstang boys, maybe even some of the girls. 

"Finding the foreign boys to your liking, no?" 

"Quiet you!" glowered Padma, "Don't think we didn't notice you eyeing that girl from Beauxbatons?" 

Belle-Claire flushed before playfully slapping her shoulder to which Padma stuck out her tongue. Cho laughed as food appeared before them, the three of them clearly not noticing how the French school had been seated in the same table as them. 


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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