chapter 1

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I was rushing to help Mr fugi because he got hurt badly while in a three on one fight but barely came out alive. I slowly tended to his wounds because the death eaters got him bad and he was in so much pain it hurt me looking at him but I was able to get him in working condition.  I was praised for my work which made me a little embarrassed but it felt nice being appreciated.  Soon after I relished we ran out of plants and I told everyone I would go fetch some more. As I walked though I could not shake the feeling of eyes which made me uneasy because I was not trained to fight . I picked food a little faster but then I felt some thing jump on me. "EEK!" I yelled getting caught of guard then I saw it. I saw her dark hair and spots...she was a deatheater. I closed my eyes waiting for a hit put it never came . As I slowly open my eyes a saw hers we looked at each other.  Then she muttered something I was going to ask what she said but she then let me go and looked away then I saw we were inches away from each other. She then introduced herself as ram stone or just ram as she helped me up . I then stood up and said "my name is harp struck but people call me harp". I then asked what she was doing in the woods she then said she got lost and I said I could help her find her way back and she said "that would be nice". My heart then fluttered at the sudden change of tone and a muttered a bit but tried to keep my cool and hope to show her the way.

(The end of chapter one I hope you liked it because this is my first "real" story)il❤

freckled kissNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ