chapter 2

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I slowly lend her to the deeper parts of the forest, she did not barther to ask how I know my way here but I could see the question on her face. I then started to make small talk cause I knew we were quite far from the death eaters camps . I was awkward at first then slowly became more sweet and less on edge. I then told her her camps was just a couple of blocks knowing I can't get to close. She handed me a paper with her telephone number while saying "here I would like to talk again some time". I blushed a little and gave her mine . But before I left she gave me a couple flowers and said " here I found them in the woods and I think you need them more than me". Then I remember that's what I had came for so I gladly accepted and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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