Allegations, Hurt and Egony

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In the tomblike silence that followed their departure, Sidharth straightened from the bar and tossed down the champagne he had poured to celebrate his marriage to an angel. A princess with laughing blue eyes who had walked into his life and turned it upside down. Shehnaaz was spying on him, betraying him to Siddiqui. Shehnaaz was Siddiqui's mistress.

His heart shouted a denial, but his mind knew it was true. It explained the way she lived, the clothes she wore.

He recalled introducing her to Siddiqui on Saturday night, and as he remembered the way she'd pretended not to know him, he felt as if he was shattering into a million pieces. Fury and anguish poured through his veins like acid. He wanted to crush her in his arms and make her say it wasn't true; he wanted to pour his love into her until there was no room for anyone in her heart or her body but him.

He wanted to strangle her for her treachery, to murder her with his own hands. He wanted to die. Shehnaaz glanced at the three security guards who were standing in Sid's private reception area as she hurried toward his office. They watched her, their expressions strangely alert, wary. She smiled slightly as she passed them, but only one of them responded"he nodded, a curt unfriendly inclination of his head.

At Sidharth's office door she paused to smooth her hair. Her hand trembled with a mixture of delight at seeing him again and fear over how he was going to react when Shehnaaz told him of her involvement with Irfan. She had intended to tell him tonight, after he'd had time to relax, but now that Irfan was blackmailing her she had to tell him right away. "Welcome back," she said, walking into his suite.

Sidharth was standing at the window with his back to her, one hand braced high against the frame, staring out across the city. The drapes were drawn over the remainder of the glass wall, and none of the lights had been turned on to dispel the gloom of a prematurely dark and rainy night.

"Close the door," he said softly. His voice sounded strange, but his back was toward her as she walked to him and she couldn't see his face.

"Did you miss me, Shehnaaz?" he asked, still without turning.

Shehnaaz smiled at the question he always asked her when he had been away from her. "Yes," she admitted, boldly sliding her arms around his waist from behind. His body seemed to tense at her touch, and when she rubbed her cheek against his broad, muscular back, it felt as hard as iron.

"How much did you miss me?" he whispered silkily.

"Turn around and I'll show you," she teased.

His hand came down from the window, and he turned. Without looking at her he walked over to the sofas and sat down. "Come over here," he invited smoothly. Shehnaaz obediently went over to the sofa and stood looking down into his handsome, shadowed face, trying to read his strange mood. His expression was impassive, almost aloof, but when she started to sit beside him, he caught her wrist and pulled her onto his lap.

"Show me how much you want me," he urged.

There was an odd note in his voice that sent unexplainable alarm dancing down Shehnaaz's spine, but it was promptly squelched by the commanding insistence of his mouth on hers. He kissed her thoroughly, expertly, and she helplessly surrendered to the torrid demands of his lips. He had missed her. His fingers were already unfastening her silk blouse, and started caressing her. "Do you want me now?"

"Yes," Shehnaaz gasped, writhing beneath him.

His free hand shoved into the hair at her scalp and tightened. "Then open your eyes, sweetheart," he ordered softly. "I want to be sure you know it's me who's doing this to you and not Siddiqui."

"Sidharth.. !" Shehnaaz's frantic scream was strangled as he lunged to his feet, twisted his hand in her hair and cruelly jerked her up with him.

"Listen to me. Please!" Shehnaaz cried out, terrified by the black rage, the virulent hatred blazing in his eyes. "I can explain everything, I"" A low scream tore from her throat as he tightened his grip in her hair, wrenching her head around and down.

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