Twenty one

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Willow looked at Alice shocked. "You're joking. Tell me that you're joking, Alice." Willow says. "It's impossible. It's unheard of."

"I know, but I know what I saw." Alice tells her. "Willow, you could be carrying right now and you and Jasper don't even know it. The smiles I saw proved to me that was what you were talking about that was missing. This child..."

"Alice! Do you hear yourself?" Willow ask not knowing Jasper, Peter, Charlotte and Taylor were there listening. "We can't have kids. Why do you think I stay upset? After I met Jasper, all I ever wanted was to marry him and have his kids. I married him, but the other part never happened because of what we are." Willow sat down wishing to cry. "Everything that I never wanted before came when I met Jasper. All I keep thinking of is a family with my husband." She sighed. "That will never happen."

Jasper watched her leave causing him to go after her. "Is it true?" Taylor asked.

"Yes. This was just half of the vision. The other is when Jasper asks her to call Carlisle to do an ultrasound. Just to make sure."

"It happens though."

"It happens."
Jasper found Willow and walked over to her. "Darlin'..."

"You heard everything." She tells him. "I don't believe her."

"I know, but...will you let Carlisle come and check and make sure. I know you are curious too."

Willow looked at him and sighed. "If I am, I'm not going back to Forks." She tells him. "I want to be alone with you and this child."

Jasper smiled as he pulled her into his arms. "Let's go home and you apologize to your sister." Willow rolled her eyes. "Willow."

"What? I will. I just find this ridiculous that you and Taylor always makes us apologize when we are just speaking the truth. I'm not even mad at my sister. I don't want to get my hopes up. I would love for her vision to be true,'s that fear."

Jasper pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. "I know what you mean, but if we call Carlisle and see if it's true, then we know what's next."

"If I'm not?"

"We adopt." He tells her. "Let's go home and make that call."

Willow pulled back with a grin on her face. "Before we go back, let's have some fun."

Jasper looked at her as she kissed him teasingly. "I love that idea."

Sharing a kiss, Willow and Jasper stayed in that spot as they were spending some time alone and away from their house. Something they wanted for a few hours before finding out if Alice's gift is true or not.

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