Chapter 7 - Good Mother

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[day 4]

When she woke up in the morning and checked up the babies, her next steps led her to the square to search other houses. But there were almost nothing inside... no food, no good weapons, no humans. She was upset especially about those humans. They could be used as good nutrient for her babies.

There was nothing else to do in the settlement and so she said goodbye to the babies and left to explore surrounding areas.

„Aaaah!" [while plucking her hair]

„If I find any humans... how I gonna bring them home?!"

She didn't want to find humans to befriend them, but to drag them home as food... for her babies as a good mother.

„Mu... mu... muhahahahaha!" [loud mad voice]


„But where... where can I found you... humans? Where are you hiding?"

Narrow path led from the settlement and Rea was walking uppon it until she arrived into another forest. It was very dense and she had hard time to cut her way through. But she kept struggling and finally appeared on a meadow. And there she saw a human man. He was sitting near a very strangely looking object. But the object was not important... Rea was focused on the man. He suddenly noticed her and so she tried to quickly hide behind a tree.

Hello, there! Who are you?"


Come here. Don't worry, I will not eat you."

Rea peeped at him from behind the tree.

„(Hmm... he doesn't look bad. He would surely taste good to my babies.)"


My name is Araxas. What is yours?"

„(Maybe I could befriend him and he could go with me to the settlement. It would be hard to drag him there dead.)"

„Rea." [trying to look shy]

That is nice name. Come here. Lets talk a bit."

Rea slowly walked to the place where the man was sitting.



„So... your name is Araxas? That is interesting name..." [flirty]

Not much at the place where I am from."

„Hmm... and where are you from? Are there more humans like you?"

I am not a human."

„Are you not? And who are you?"


„Oh... I see... that doesn't matter. I am sure that Nubians..."

„... taste good too." [silently]

Mmm? Did you say anything?"

„No... Nothing at all."

I see..."

„Do you want to be my friend? I got lost and I need friends."

Sure. Why not."

„Thanks. Wanna come with me to my house?"

And do you know the path?"


Are you not lost?"

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