Chapter 1

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"Alright, kids. Take your seats."

I pulled off my black bag before throwing it on the chair next to me, marking my new table, which was at the front, right by the window. The clock's ticking was unusually loud, and my mind wasn't at all very clear. Everything seemed different; it seemed... normal. I placed a pile of books on my table, before brushing my hand through my fine, blond hair. I had moved to this town about a week ago. I'm pretty lucky I have gotten into this school. The places have been quite limited as of late, especially for such a high-intelligence public school.

You see, My name is Mihael Keehl... but people mostly call me Mello. I'm sixteen years old, and I like the idea of death.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of these stupid, self-proclaimed goths. Even though I like black leather clothes, death metal and just generally dark things.

I was always alone, although people generally tended to stay away from me, and no one dared to touch me, I've never really had any friends. I lived with only my father in a great, expensive manor... though life for me didn't seem to be very sweet... and anyway, it's none of your business what was going on in my private life... read on and you just may find out.

"Why are you boys late to class?" the teacher voiced. I lifted my head to see three guys. One of them had brunette, layered hair and bark brown, gleaming, charismatic eyes. He looked like one of these popular nerds, judging from the pile of books he was holding and the way his tie was done up into a knot. Oh, yeah... I forgot to mention that I absolutely love deduction.

If you don't want me to know about your life story, I suggest you show up naked... and even then I would still be capable of figuring you out.

The other guy was a bit taller, and had raven black hair, and black holes for eyes which seemed to swallow up all positive energy in the room. He was also very uniform, and followed the brunette's each step. The third guy was the guy that really caught my eye. Maybe it was the bright, fiery red hair... or the fact that he could actually pull off a hot ginger. He wore his uniform as if he got out of bed that way. Three top buttons undone, tie pulled down past his collar, shirt only half tucked in. For a moment, I felt like I couldn't really figure this one out.

"Yagami, Mikami, Jeevas. Why are you all late?" the teacher inquired.

"Mikami and I were helping out with the new school magazines." the brunette stated. I'm guessing he was some school council member or even leader.

"Jeevas, what about you?"

The red head rubbed the back of his hair, looking innocent with that small mischievous smile. I could hear girls behind me whispering things. I hated these types of guys. I don't know why. They think they're the the most important jocks in the world, seemingly not realizing that there are many more jocks which are way more important. In this society it seemed like your worth was based by your looks and social skills and not your intelligence.

"Well... y'see I was just having a smoke outside..." The Jeevas guy slurred. For a minute, the teacher looked at him in shock, before he spoke again. "Just kidding... I needed the toilet. Bloody hell..."

I'm guessing he did smoke... What a good cover up.

"Fine, Matthew. You three can take your seats."

Yagami and Mikami went to sit somewhere at the back.

Matthew Jeevas frowned, his eyes settling on me. I felt unusually tense, for some strange, weird reason. He approached my... and I'm hinting... MY table, and gave me a sour smirk. "You're in my seat, Blondie."

"You should probably watch who you're talking to, Strawberry Boy."

My remark didn't seem to phase him.

"You're new here, eh?" he moved my bag from the chair next to me, placing it with surprising respect onto the floor by my feet, before he slumped down into the chair, a wave of fresh, lime aftershave and a hint of smoke washing over me. So he is a smoker. "Who gave you permission to sit next to me?" I mutter under my breath, a little angry.

"I gave myself permission. Besides you shouldn't mind. You look like a pretty well tamed prostitute."

That's when I slapped him hard. "Don't fucking dare talk to me, understood?"

The red haired boy was shocked for a moment, before putting on a pretty well managed smirk. "I would hit you back... if you wasn't a girl."

I could hear a few giggles of possibly his douche bag friends coming from the back of the classroom.

I felt like ripping out his vocal chords at this exact moment.

The next hour was complete torture. Matthew kept kneeling into me, whispering remarks like "gimme your number, hottie," which I wanted to really punch him for. Each time he would say something, his mates would snigger behind me. "Baby, don't be afraid... I know how to treat a girl right." he knelt into my face, smiling gently, though he didn't seem like he was that amused. The guys behind us were laughing their heads off. I sighed and snapped my book shut. "shut the fuck up, jerk. Just cause no girl wants your ass doesn't mean a guy would." I was thankful that the bell went in this exact moment, giving me time to grab my stuff and get the hell out of here. I walked fast towards my next lesson, praying that the stupid red head didn't share it with me. Unfortunately, he did.

He sat at the back table, and waved at me with a smile. "Sit by me, Blondie!"

I sighed, looking around the classroom. To my surprise there was no more seats, apart from the one next to that jerk. The teacher walked in and smiled. "you must be new here. What's your name?"

"Mihael Keehl." I said with a dry voice, glancing over at the red head who was shooing girls away from the seat next to him.

"Right, Mihael, take a seat by Matt."

I sighed deeply. I felt my face boil with anger as I moved to sit next to him. He smiled at me in a different sort of way, and for a moment I liked that smile. And I think I may have smiled back before I scolded myself and frowned.

"Mihael... What a foreign name."

"I'm German," I answered with a tone of annoyance. Who was he to delve into my life.

"Cool. I'm Irish." he turned to the board. "Look... sorry for teasing, Blondie. I guess that's what I do when I see a pretty girl."

I rolled my eyes, slapping his arm slightly.

"What? You think I'm kidding?" he muttered. "I think you're hot."

"don't you fucking dare..." I mumbled, heat seeping to my cheeks. "I'm not hot... well... I am, but that's not the point." I lowered my voice "I'm a guy, dude."

"you think I don't know that, princess?" he smiled.

At that moment, I just gave up arguing and simply looked away.

(well that was a bit shit... trust me, there will be a lot more stuff going on in the later chapters. Fingers crossed I don't get stuck with this one. Leave a comment and tell me what you think? Any type of constructive criticism is welcomed :) )

Mello x Matt - Different By NatureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz