Chapter 2

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After the bell rang, I stood up and walked out, ready for my break. The red head hadn't spoken to me much after that, and I was bloody thankful for it. He didn't seem as bad at that instance... Not as bad as I thought he may have been. I'm guessing it was all some sort of elaborate act to get my attention or approval of his douche bag friends. I made my way to the dining hall and sat down by myself, as I would usually do anyway. I pulled out some text books and read, partially to make it look like I'm busy so no one approaches me and partially that I just simply wanted to read. When I looked up I saw a pair of curious eyes watching me from a different table. This kid seemed weird... he reminded me... of a sheep. He had fluffy white hair which he absently fiddled with, and as he caught my eye he looked away in a serene, calming way, before moving his legs from the seat and approaching my table. He sat opposite me, and smiled, which looked completely unusual and irregular on his features. His dark eyes gleamed at me. "You must be the new kid. I heard you were molested by Matt. Just ignore him... He means no harm." The pale kid's smile faded and he looked down, fiddling with his hair. "You should join me and Ryuzaki. Come sit on our table..." the whitenette stood up and almost skipped away before turning to me, "Oh, by the way, I'm Nate." he ran off. I sighed and decided to follow... This kid was awfully interesting.

"Want a lollipop?" The ravenette tilted his head, offering a piece of candy to me. I sighed and shook my head. "No thanks... Got any chocolate?" Ryuzaki stared at me for a moment, blinking a few times before pulling out a small bar of Hershey's and handing it to me. "here you go, Mello-Kun." Nate watched me, still twirling his hair. I felt extremely uncomfortable at this point... I felt like they may have been... judging me?

Before I could open my mouth to speak I feel a hand settle on my shoulder. "Made some friends, Blondie?" the annoying voice rang through my ears. "What a shame... I thought I was your new friend."

"Matt-Kun, I think you may be irritating our new friend a little."

"Aw, he's not annoyed with me! Are you, Blondie?" he glanced at me, and I sighed, "will you fuck off, seriously... can't you take a hint."

Instead of fucking off, he went to sit right by me with a bright smile on his face. "you don't mean that... you know you like my company, Blondie."

"Matt... can't you get a hint already?" Nate murmured, looking off to the floor somewhere, twisting his white hair.

"Just leave it..." I said, sighing. "If I ignore it, it will go away."

"Aw don't be so rude, Blondie." Matt folded his arms out on the table. "I take it you don't like teasing... alright. I'll try something else to get your attention. If you are interested meet me outside in a small alley between the building at lunch." he took my chocolate bar out of my hand, getting up and strolling off casually. "The nerve..." I mutter under my breath, my eyebrows screwed together in annoyance.

When I turn my head to look at Ryuzaki and Nate, they're both staring off into a distance rather awkwardly. I sigh and stand up, and without a word leave, just in time with the bell ringing for new lesson.

(Sorry that was short ^_^ the next chapter will totally be worth it all. Comment for suggestions and improvements, love ya all)

Mello x Matt - Different By Natureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن