Chapter 1

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I was sleeping peacefully on my day off when my boss called telling me there was an emergency meeting. I dressed up and left for work.
Thought you weren't coming today " J.j said hugging me like a baby. He likes doing that, he's a very annoying hugger but I loved him cos he was like a brother to me. We've been together since high school and he's the only family I've got left.

I wasn't supposed to come but boss told me we had an emergency meeting today. What do you think it's about?" I asked anxiously. Emergency meetings were never a good thing and I have a feeling it's probably due to the decline we've been facing lately.

Yh.. I heard about the meeting too, it's starting in 5 minutes or so. I think it's due to the decline we've been facing"He said confirming my thoughts. He said it so causally as if he had another job waiting for him if this one fails. But that's j.j he took nothing seriously and it always seemed to work for him . He said and I quote "the ladies love it. I don't think they actually do but he's the ladies men so I'll take it.

The meeting started a few minutes ago and boss has been droning on about the loss we've been facing and how they're cutting the number of workers in the company.

The most important announcement now is ... 🥁 Please.. we're merging with the ORO." He said a mixture of happiness and sadness in his voice. Merging with Oro was a good thing and a bad thing. They were our biggest rival company in the city and merging with them means our greatest opponent is gone but the downside is their m.o they're known to be ruthless in their dealings and working with their employees won't be that easy too. The boss called the names of the laid off workers and asked them to report to the H. R after the meeting. I felt bad for them but they knew it was coming so I didn't feel too bad.

I'm going to be introducing your new coworkers so please try to be nice and work together in harmony." Boss is really nice and I'm sure the change was quite difficult on him.
He started introducing the employees from Oro and that's when I saw her for the first time. She was very beautiful, it looked like she was a piece of art. I'm not objectifying her's just hard to describe her beauty. And her eyes felt like the whole world was in them. Everything about her called to me her clothes, her face, her eyes ...I was mesmerized.

Wow...she's one fine piece of.." Don't you dare continue the sentence j.j.." I said knowing j.j was about to say something inappropriate.
I was just appreciating her beauty, is there anything wrong with that" he replied slyly.
Don't get any ideas she's our colleague."
Don't worry, I'm not taking her from you. You saw her first so I won't get involved but if things don't work out between you guys....." He didn't finish his sentence then he winked at her.

I later got to know her name was Sabrina, she was the CFO of Oro and we were going to share the position together here in Marble.

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