Chapter 2

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For the next few days, I didn't really see Sabrina much. We were settling in with the change going on. At first, we were supposed to share an office which pleased me greatly but then the head office changed their minds . Now all we had to do was aid everyone in settling in and promote co operation amongst our coworkers.

You know you can just ask her out if you like her instead of staring at her like a creep" J.j said to me during lunch one day when he caught me staring at her. He wouldn't get it liking someone the way I liked Sabrina, at first it was her beauty but for these past few weeks her other qualities drew me closer. Her commitment, the way she carries her self and she also has a funny side that only comes out when she's relaxed. She's like my dream come true. Great, now I sound like a love struck fool.

Yh, you totally do" j.j said
Did I say that out loud" I asked knowing j.j would probably make jest of me for this in the future.
Yes, you did .. the love part... the dream part everything..
So master of love what do you think I should do " I jokingly said

Easy just message her " he said as it it was that easy.
It's not that easy" I replied raising my concerns.
It is .. just tell her you like her and you can worry about the rest later." He continued.
Okay I will.

A few hours later I decided to message her... I don't know what made me do it..I just decided to.

Me: hey, I like you.
I don't know who messages their colleague like this but I don't care I'm doing it 🥳.
Her: excuse me??
Me: ohh sorry I thought you knew who I was and like I've been staring at you a lot these days...I thought we had something.
Her: ohh you .. You never seem to disappoint me with how difference you're.
Me: I'm sorry I made this weird but I just wanted you to know how I felt. It's okay if you don't feel the same way but will you go to dinner with me on Saturday?
Her: like a date ??
Me: Yes like a date .
Her: okay
Me: just like that..mi thought you were angry or something.
Her: If you want me to change my mind it's okay I can.
Me: no no I was just shocked. Thank you or am I not supposed to thank you. I don't really know how this dating thing works.
Her: Just go to sleep already.
Me: ohh alright..see ya 😉
Her: eww no ...not the wink emoji

Wow...I'm so happy she agreed. Saturday here I come..ohh I sound stupid now. I'm obsessing on this too much let me think about something else.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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