story 1

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Index- before the therapy session Morticia decides to stay behind for a while to question larissa. It turns out into something neither of them expected.

As Gomez walked out the door Morticia pondered.once Gomez had noticed he stopped and turned around "you coming mi amor?" He questions "yes but I need to speak to miss weems about something so why don't u go and I'll meet you there" she said "okay mi amor" he says kissing her on the cheek then continued walking.

Morticia shut the door behind him and walked to Larissa's desk to find that she was already looking at her "I know you ripped my picture of the year book" she says Larissa raises her eyebrows "and why would you think that?" She says pursing her lips "don't try it Larissa" she replies "I just want to know why" she adds looking a her
"I-i just" she starts looking defeated "I wanted to forget" she finishes Morticia scoffs "I was stupid to think that it would but I had to try okay?"she says looking away

There was tension between them alot of tension that you could cut it with a knife "now if you don't mind you got a session to go to and I've got work to do" she says breaking the silence "actually I do mind why did you want to forget when you ended us in the first place?" She says Larissa stands yo arubtly her chair scraping on the floor "for fucks sake Morticia we shouldn't be talking about this you have a husband" she snaps "NO! Don't u dare try and run away from the question" she shouts Larissa looked at her surprised

It was a rare sit to see Morticia shouting and here she was doing so easily in front of Larissa "Larissa answer the question"she snaps "I REGRETTED IT OKAY? I regretted ending it but I knew it I didnt you would of eventually done it I knew u would choose Gomez over me"Larissa said looking down at the ground.

Morticia looked at her "are you kidding me? Was it Gomez's name I was shouting when I felt sad? Was it Gomez's name I was shouting in ecstasy every night? Was it Gomez that I protected? Was it Gomez that I hugged every time he felt upset? Was it Gomez that I brought to ecstasy every fucking night? Was it l?" Morticia said and by the end of the sentence she had started shouting "NO IT WAS YOU!" She shouted getting closer to Larissa "you still would've chose him" Larissa shouted getting closer to her aswell

Morticia looked at her in disbelief " I STILL HAVENT CHOSEN HIM" Morticia shouted walking up to Larissa until they as face to face Morticia carefully grabbed her face leaning in giving her enough time to reject if she wished to do so their lips finally brushed together. At first it was slow and full of love but then if quickly changed into passion and lust

Notes- I hope you liked that if you want a part 2 with smut let me know and I'll try do that

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