The breakup

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Index: larissa breaks up with Morticia

a/n: there's probably gonna be a lot of angst cause im a sucker for it anyway this was requested so yeah

the night was cold and larissa was up late yet again at her desk catching up on her work also waiting for her girlfriend her thoughts were soon interrupted by someone opening the door "hi darling" she says as she walks in going to her side of the room larissa ignores her she doesn't want to start anything right now "are you mad at me?" morticia questions. morticia was replied with nothing but the noise of someone typing on a laptop morticia walks over to larissa and puts her hand on one of her shoulders "not right now morticia" she says and continues her work morticia grabs the top of her laptop and puts it down larissa quickly pulls out her hands before it shuts "what the fuck is wrong with you morticia" she says as she stands up "NO WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" she shouts back "WELL HOW ABOUT YOUVE BEEN OUT ALL DAY AND RIGHT NOW ITS CURRENTLY 3AM AND YOU COME SNEAKING BACK IN LET ME GUESS YOU WERE WITH GOMEZ" she shouts

morticia looks at her shocked " YOU SAID IT WOULD BE FINE IF I STILL DATED HIM AND LOVE BOTH OF YOU" she says " WELL MAYBE IM NOT YOUR SPENING ALL YOUR TIME WITH HIM AND NEVER ME AND YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME I THOUGHT THINGS WOULD BE DIFFRENT" she shouts "I DO LOVE YOU AND HOW DO YOU THINGS WOULD BE DIFFRENT I WOULD BE SPENDING ALL MY TIME WITH YOU AND NEVER GOMEZ" she shouts right back they look at each other intensely into finally morticia walked over grabbed her face and kissed her at first larissa was shocked and didn't know what to do but then she intently kissed back

after a few minutes of kissing larissa pulled away "no you kissing me is not gonna make me forgive you this time" she says as she backs away "what have I done wrong please I love you" she says coming closer "morticia you love him more if he asked you to break up with me you would and I cant I wont hurt myself just to be with you im sorry" she says turning away from her "NO DONT TURN YOUR BACK ON ME JUST ADMIT IT YOU DONT LOVE ME ANYMORE" morticia shouts and at that larissa turned around to look at her "I don't love you? I DONT LOVE YOU WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THAT WHO STROKES YOUR HAIR AND COMFORTS YOU EVERY TIME YOURE SAD WHO WAITS UP FOR YOU WHEN YOUR OUT WITH YOUR OTHER LOVE ME NOT GOMEZ I HAVE LOVED YOU SINCE THE FIRST TIME I LAYED EYES ON YOU BUT YOURE ALWAYS TO BUSY WITH GOMEZ TO NOTICE ME ITS YOU WHO DOES NOT LOVE ME" she shouts crying

They didn't say anything for a few seconds they both were now crying "please I cant do this anymore I cant hurt myself I don't want to watch you choose him everyday cause I know one day you will actually choose him over day after we graduate you will break up with me by never talking to me again and im going be waiting for a simple text that will never come its better this way" larissa sobs "but how can I let this happen if I love you both the same please larissa don't leave me I love you so much I don't want you to leave I will try to spend more time with you i'll do anything just please don't leave me" morticia cries "okay if you love me so much who are you going to go to the dance with?" she questions still crying "i don't know but that doesn't matter at the moment we can figure that out" morticia says larissa looks at her "please morticia don't do this i love you but please let me go let me do this" larissa says

They both were a mess mascara running down their faces smudge lipstick they just looked at eachother waiting for the other to make the move but no one does "okay but please give me one last kiss" morticia says and larissa nods they walk to each other and kiss they were kissing like one of them was going to die tonight, they both could taste eachothers tears that night they cherished each others lips, hips, thighs, breasts and neck for the last time

the end

a/n: guys im sorry that this is bad feel free to give me requests and I'll try get them done also please go check out my fanfiction love hurts sometimes marylin Thornhill x fem reader

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