Dear diary: Paige

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Monday, 7th July 2022

All heads spin as Paige O'Donnell struts gracefully into the courtyard. "This bitch is acting like she rules the world", Khai chuckles into my ear. I nudge him directly in the ribs. "Ah, you bitch Ali!" He cries, his lanky arms folded around his stomach. I fixate my eyes on Paige as she strolls by us looking down at Khai with one short glance before chatting away to her minions beside her. I've got to admit, Khai is right though, she is a fucking bitch. I scoff and move my eyes back down to mr drama queen who is now rolling around on the floor. "Get up would you, your embarrassing my none existent reputation." He rolls his eyes and pulls himself back to his feet. "Your no fun Ali, let yourself go for once." I scowl. If only he knew what it was like to be an outcast, everybody at Highfields knows his fucking name, and for the right reasons. Suddenly, a sharp pain flys through my right arm. "Watch it punk." I snap through gritted teeth. A young boy, no older than 12 turns to face me. "Chill out specky sam, gonna punch me are ya?" He snickers then proceeds to walk off. I sigh a long heavy sigh. Everybody seems to have forgotten the time Khai fell into pig shit last year on a trip to lakeshore farm but nobody has forgotten the time in year 7 when I punched Jennifer Lockwood straight in the nose. You'd think people would be scared of me, but nope instead they take the piss out of me. Simply because instead of breaking Jens nose, I broke my thumb. I rearrange my glasses and walk the rest of the journey to class in silence. Khai nudges me every now and then to try and start conversation with me but I just scoff at his pathetic attempts at small talk. As we walk into chemistry, Mrs brogan bellows from the front of the classroom. "Your late, sit your backsides down before i give you both detention." We stare blankly at her for a moment before making our way to our usual seats. Before I can "sit my backside down", I spot Paige sat in MY seat. I cross my arms and bark from the centre of the classroom, "Mrs brogan, unfortunately I cannot sit my backside down as some blonde skank is sat in MY seat." A sigh exits her chapped lips. "Miss O'Donnell, you do this every week, are you asking for a detention?" Paige spins her head of blonde, spaghetti like hair to face me. "Not at all Mrs brogan, I'll move, I'm soooooo sorry." She replies sarcastically. As she begins to stand, she grits her pearly whites and mouthes the words "Fuck you specky," before planting her fake ass smile back across her fake ass fucking face. I hate that bitch and I take pride in it. As I sit my ass down on the cold stool I catch Khai watching me with a slightly pissed off look planted across his face. His eyes crinkle at the corners as he returns his focus back to Mrs B. "What's up with you pretty boy?" I tease. He locks eyes with me and manages a half smile before it quickly fades. One of his bony hands reaches into his pocket and he quietly scribbles something down onto a post-it note. I raise an eyebrow in confusion but he gives me a look of, "Just shut the fuck up and take it." I sigh and wait patiently until Mrs brogan bats an eye. Quickly, I slide my fingers over to Khai's desk and snatch the note. I move my eyes down to the yellowish paper and begin to read his scratchy handwriting.

What's your issue Ali? You don't have to be such a bitch towards Paige, she clearly never meant to sit in your seat.

I scowl. How stupid is he. Fucking pretty boys. I scoff and scribble back in response.

She's done it every fucking day for the past 3 weeks Khai, what's your issue?!

I slap the note down on his desk and tune into what Mrs brogan is saying. Something about an exam is all I can make out before Khai slides the note onto my desk. Again.

Ali, she probably just forgets, she's not the type of person to be cruel for no reason. You don't have to be such a baby about it.

I snicker at the last part. Me, being a baby? He's the one who looked so pissed off about me getting the bitch out of MY seat. I crumple up the note and throw it in his face. I can't wait to get out of this fucking lesson. I silently watch the clock, waiting for the bell to dismiss us to lunch. I ignore every attempt Khai makes to speak to me and eventually end up slamming my head down against the table. So many thoughts race through my mind, fury boils in my veins. Paige O'Donnell has only being going to Highfields for 2 months but has already made herself at home. Khai is obsessed with her, all he ever talks about is how kind and sweet she is when all she has done is make my life 10x more miserable than it already was. Of course I've never told Khai that the only kind thing she has done since she arrived is handing me my book, oh wait no that's right, she then proceeded to pick it back up and smack me round the side of the face with it. As much as I hate that she has him wrapped around her perfectly manicured little finger, it's not like he'd believe that the girl of his dreams was a right bitch to his best friend. I want him to be happy, but not with her.


There's the ear piercing bell I've been waiting for. I reach my hand down and grab my bag, my old duffel bag that I have owned since year 6. It's safe to say my parents aren't as well off as Khai's. He's had a new bag almost every year and new stationary every week whereas I've been stuck with the same bag for 4 years and the same stationary for the past 5 months, ish. My parents can't afford new shit all the time so when they do buy me things for school it's good quality and lasts me a long ass time. As I shove my shitty ass stationary into my even shittier bag, Khai taps me on the shoulder. "What now Khai, you want to lecture me about not liking your little girl crush again?" I snap as I zip up my bag. I look over at him and notice the uneasy expression plastered across his face. "I actually wanted to apologise. I'm sorry for the way I reacted." He mumbles in his low raspy voice. I sling my bag over my shoulder and stare at his face blankly. The genuine sorrow in his eyes broke me, he's like a puppy and I cannot, will not, ever resist a puppy. "Don't apologise, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, I'm sorry Khai." I muster a sad smile and run my fingers through my knotty brunette locks. He looks deep into my eyes almost like he was searching for something, something hidden away. Suddenly, he pulls me into a tight hug. I usually resist his hugs as they were more like squeezes but this time it was different, it butterflies swirling around im my stomach and I could feel his heart racing against my chest. I layed my head onto his shoulder and whispered softly into his ear,"Sorry Khai...I'm so sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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