Act 3

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Arriving in London, the gang now takes time to settle in. This first day will feet a little contest to present young designers from all over the world, with new creations that will have their signature marc, and be produced by the Agreste brand.

Marinette went down stairs, wearing a dress she designed herself. Nathalie, was waiting for her with Adrien, who got shocked when he saw Marinette.

 Nathalie, was waiting for her with Adrien, who got shocked when he saw Marinette

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Adrien: Whoa... You look gorgeus, Marinette...

Marinette: Oh... thanks, Adrien.

The two enter the car, and Nathalie takes them. The rest of the group went on one of GUN's personal bus. However, they were not aware of Gabriel, who was on his car. Eggman entered in contact with him.

Dr. Eggman: Hawk Moth...

Gabriel: I'm in position.

Dr. Eggman: Excellent. Techno-Pirate and Cash are on the move. Thanks to my mechs, we'll for sure force Lady Dragon to come out!

We move to another place. It's near the place where the fashion show is going to happened. Seems like something's about to happened. Let's see inside the building. Marinette had her design with her. Suddenly someone came in. She recognised him at the moment.

Marinette: Felix...

Felix: Let's not go so harsh there, Marinette. How... have you and Adrien been doing?

Marinette: ?.... Oh we've been fine! 

Felix: Cool. (sees her design) Hey, is that your design?

Marinette: Yeah. 

Felix: I have to say, it looks nice. It resembles my old brooch, in a way.

Marinette: Uh, I don't think anyone in London know. So, you better stay quiet.

Felix knew she had a point. We move to the competition itself. It was declaird that Gabriel would not be within the judge for this contest.

Host: Hello, everyone! Welcome to the London Fashion Week!(audiance cheers) We'll be having a special event, today! Today we might be able to see the new name of fashion to rise! It's time to see who'll be the new tallent who'll be able to sell their first design with the help of the Agrest Brand!

Everyone cheered. However, we might be having a problem. Sonic and Shadow, who were watching outside for any incovinient, noticed something was wrong.

Sonic: What in the world?

Shadow: Something's coming!

They spoted two overmachines aproching the building. Techno-Pirate and Cash were the ones riding them, much to Sonic's shock.

Sonic: Uh-oh! We might have a problem!

Shadow: Those two broke out of their prison? We gotta send them to Prison Island!

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