I will allow it just this once

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Warning abit of smut!!

—noes pov—
"Vanitas?" I asked around 6am which is weird because I usually don't wake up that early. "Hmm?" He responds probably still half asleep. "May I drink your blood..? Please I'll try not to go far in  your memories just let me taste it" I asked expecting a knife in my throat. "If you listen to me and  be a good boy then I shall allow you to" he says " but you have to listen to me all day no excuses" I had thought it over for a few minutes after decided i replied "Deal.".

Vanitas pov

I decide to go back to sleep after making a deal with with the vampire  who thought I  a vampire doctor, would fall in love with noé  a vampire who can see the memories of those he drinks blood from.
"Yea vanitas?"
"Will you make me breakfast please?"
"Sure what would you like?"
"Pancakes with chocolate syrup and earl grel tea"
" ok" he sighed getting up and leaving my room. As I got dressed I wondered how It would be like to have sex with him I realized what I was thinkinglno vanitas please get that sick idea out of your head

Noes pov
While making vanitas's  pancakes I noticed that domi had called me once again as I had just received a missed call from now. I had just finished making breakfast and decided i would call her after I calmed down a  bit. As I did not make myself breakfast 

——————-——————- —————————————————————
The phone call 

"Hello" I heard dominque voice speak
"Hi domi.."
"Noe! Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you" she explained that she had thought she was lesbian, then told Jeanne and so they had kissed "I would never do that to you out of-" I hung up  because vanitas had hugged me from behind and while watching him eat breakfast,  he had told me a order was to ignore everything that included him if vanitas had been clingy. 

Vanitas pov

"Noe~" I announced he came up to me like a puppy a very cute one at that. "What vanitas?" He replied obviously annoyed by me " can you go get me the finest tea in all of Paris" He rolled his eyes regretting the choice he made "fine vanitas" he said as he walked out. Jeez attitude much Noe?

3rd person:

Noe had walked into a beautiful cafe and decided to order every type of tea box they had even though they were only  selling the drinks some how he got the boxes for 1500$ (they ended up going out of business because of noe) Noe hurried home as to not keep vanitas waiting.

Once Noe returned home vanitas was quick to tell "what the fuck Noe, I said the finest not the WHOLE FUCKING SUPPLY" Noe tilted his head laughing obviously embarrassed. "Come here" vanitas demanded. Noe realized he was holding a chain and collar. "Nice joke vanitas" he said hoping it was a joke. It wasn't. Vanitas put the collar on Noe and pulled him over with the chain. "Ow, ow, ow!" Noe squeaked. Vanitas continuing to laugh at how silly Noe looked. Now this is my last 2 favors , Noe was silent but he still nodded. 1. Do not judge my backstory and 2.-

Before Noe realized it vanitas was kissing him making sure noes entire mouth  was his. Mixing their saliva together. Then vanitas broke the kiss and moved down to Noes neck and unlocked the collar making it fall off then drawing circle on the opposite makes neck. Then he started making a hickey on the side of his chest as he listened to his beautiful noises. He had finally stopped seeing noes flustered face was enough entertainment for him. 

Noe had never felt this way before he was in love with vanitas but couldn't admit it "where d-did that come Fromm?" Noe was obviously confused and filled with emotions. "Just drink my blood already" vanitas stated as I sign to get it over with. 

Noe then bit vanitas's neck sucking his blood seeing some of his memories but still feeling all his pain. He removed his fangs from the others neck "I'm so sorry vanitas..." vanitas sighed and shrugged it off.

My love (vanoe) fluff (with a lil bit angst)Where stories live. Discover now